
Random: An Eager 3DS StreetPass Fan Spent A Day In New York, Got Zero Hits


StreetPass - the good old days

Earlier this year we wholeheartedly jumped into nostalgia when sharing a video of all StreetPass puzzles, reminiscing on the days when you’d pop the marvellous 3DS into a pocket or bag and return home with some lovely hits. Yes, we miss those days.

A lot of people do, as well, as this Reddit post blew up in which user ‘itsmefizzy’ said, very simply, that they “spent a whole day in NYC and not one Streetpass received (Nintendo Store included)”.

Our initial reaction was ‘well, obviously’, who’s still carrying their 3DS around? But it does remind us that it’s something the Switch lacks; for all of the hybrid’s strengths, the absence of a colourful social mechanic like StreetPass is still a little disappointing. Its size and status as a ‘console’ undermine the idea of course, but we still like to think there’s an alternate reality where Switch owners are merrily trading StreetPass hits.

Do you have fond memories of StreetPass, and do you still take the humble 3DS with you on trips in the forlorn hope of getting a couple of hits?


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