The Avengers are Earth’s most powerful superheroes. However, if a fan were asked to list the heroes that have been on the team, there are a few that would be missing. It’s no slight to those characters or the creators of those stories. It’s been nearly sixty years, a few members are going to fall through the cracks.
Just because these heroes have been forgotten doesn’t mean that they’re bad characters. Some of them are just cases where their time in the Avengers was brief or eclipsed by stronger personalities. Nevertheless, they will forever be tied to “Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.”
10 Moon Knight Was On the West Coast Team During A Forgettable Time
Moon Knight was a member of the West Coast Avengers for a hot moment in the late 80s. He first came to help the team when it was trapped in a temple of Khonshu, the Egyptian deity Moon Knight drew his powers from. He left shortly afterward in the fallout of Mockingbird letting Phantom Rider fall to his death.
He later helped Steve Rogers’s Secret Avengers team rescue Richard Ryder. He also was among a group of Avengers that tried to occupy the Jean Grey School during the conflict between the Avengers and X-Men over the Phoenix Force. Whether or not he ever rejoins the Avengers may depend on the success of the upcoming Disney+ series.
9 Deathcry Was With The Team During A Period Most Fans Want To Forget
Just before the relaunch of the Avengers in Heroes Reborn, it was a very dark time for the team. Most of the more popular Avengers, like Captain America and Thor were taken out due to their own tribulations. The ones that were left were stereotypes of the 1990s, more violent and more “extreme.”
Deathcry fits, almost exclusively, into the 90s aesthetic. Shortly after joining the team, she proved to be overly aggressive and even threw herself at the Vision. She returned about a decade later in the Annihilation event before dying in the Chaos War.
8 Agent Venom Was A Member When There Were Numerous Avengers Teams
Flash Thompson, who’d lost his legs to war, got a second chance by bonding with the Venom symbiote. His actions as Agent Venom brought him into conflict with Captain America’s Secret Avengers. Instead of arresting him, the Secret Avengers invited Flash Thompson to join.
This was a period when there were numerous teams of Avengers. There was the more public regular team, the New Avengers, the Uncanny Avengers, and Steve Rogers’s Secret Avengers. It gets confusing and the various teams’ existences overlap many times over. During this period, starting around the Heroic Age, it gets hard to determine exactly who was an Avenger.
7 Lionheart Was An Avenger For Less Than A Year
While an Avenger, Kelsey Leigh was known as Captain Britain, but she eventually took the name Lionheart, which is often used to differentiate her from Brian and Betsy Braddock. She gained her powers when she courageously put herself in mortal harm to protect an unconscious Captain America.
Kelsey served as an Avenger for less than a year. Her time came to an end with Avengers Disassembled, where she was badly injured. She went on to join a new Excalibur team but left to rejoin her family, lost during her time as a superhero.
6 No One Wants To Remember D-Man
D-Man was originally a professional wrestler in the super-powered Unlimited Class Wrestling Federation. He eventually adopted the costumed identity of D-Man, wearing what looked to be a combination of Daredevil’s original costume mixed with Wolverine’s mask. He was never taken very seriously, although Captain America did show polite respect to the would-be hero.
D-Man was recruited into a reformed Avengers by Captain America, only to apparently die in a plane crash. He’s been mentally unstable, but reliable. Captain America Sam Wilson had D-Man as an assistant in his operation.
5 Living Lightning Was Another West Coast Avenger That Never Stayed Around For Too Long
Living Lightning was one of those Avengers created to join the team. He gained his powers and fought the West Coast Avengers before ultimately joining them. However, despite being on the team several times, he remains one of the last Avengers that come to mind.
A lot of this comes from Living Lightning repeatedly has placed things above being an Avenger. First, it was his education, where he even took an Avengers position in space so he could more efficiently study. He just hasn’t
4 Jessica Jones Is Well Known, But Not As An Avenger
Thanks to a well-received Netflix series, Jessica Jones is well-known by comics fans. However, her short time in the New Avengers is often forgotten for her more intriguing solo stories. Her role as a mother is the reason for leaving the New Avengers behind.
The threat posed by Norman Osborn and the Thule Society put her daughter at risk when Avengers Mansion was destroyed. Being a role model to her daughter was not as important as protecting her. She has since gone on to never put the responsibilities given by her powers to supersede her responsibility to her daughter.
3 Red Hulk Was Recruited Into The Avengers Briefly
The Red Hulk is another character that is almost instantly recognizable. Shortly after becoming the Red Hulk, Thunderbolt Ross went off the rails, but after being subdued, regained his sanity. It was at this point that Captain America recruited him into Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.
Naturally, the Avengers didn’t fully trust a member that had been a major threat. He was pivotal in stopping the Hood from collecting all of the Infinity Gems. He served with the team for a little while, up through the end of Brian Michael Bendis’s time writing the Avengers.
2 Starhawk Was The Most Powerful Of the Guardians Of The Galaxy That Helped Out Against Korvac
It was during the “Korvac Saga” that the Avengers saw their numbers explode against a cosmic-level threat from the future. Among these additions was the Guardians of the Galaxy from the 30th century. The most powerful of these heroes was Starhawk, a powerful and practically immortal hero.
Starhawk had superhuman strength, speed, and was nearly invulnerable. He could also manipulate light in a way that generated powerful energy blasts. Because of their actions in the 20th century, Starhawk and the other Guardians of the Galaxy changed their future, so returning to the Avengers would be unlikely.
1 Captain Universe Was A Powerful Member When The Avengers Faced Powerful Threats
Many people have served as the host of the Uni-Power that transformed them into Captain Universe. As the universe began dying as the White Event approached, it possessed the body of Tamara Devoux, who was left comatose after a car accident. The Avengers promised to help heal Tamara and the Uni-Power, so she joined the team and faced several cosmic level threats, including the Builders, powerful enough to incapacitate Captain Universe.
Tamara left the Avengers to live a normal life after being reunited with her family. She became Captain Universe again to confront Tony Stark about his knowledge of the upcoming White Event. The Uni-Power went on to find other hosts, so Tamara’s time as a superhero is likely over.
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