The official website for the new television anime of Hiroyuki Takei‘s Shaman King manga announced on Thursday that the 18th and 19th episodes of the anime have been delayed by two weeks, due to coverage of the Olympic and Paralympic Games Tokyo 2020. The 18th episode will move from July 29 to August 12, and the 19th episode will move from August 5 to August 19.
A number of other currently airing anime series have also been delayed by two weeks for the same reason.
The new Shaman King anime premiered on April 1 and is ongoing. Netflix will stream the anime worldwide on August 9. The anime will have 52 episodes.
The anime will adapt all 35 volumes of the manga’s new complete edition, which Kodansha started publishing in print volumes in Japan last June. The first anime adaptation of the manga premiered in 2001.
Joji Furuta (The Seven Deadly Sins: Revival of The Commandments, Uta no Prince Sama Maji Love Kingdom, Double Decker! Doug & Kirill, ēlDLIVE) is directing the new anime at Bridge (Fairy Tail, The Royal Tutor). Shoji Yonemura (Pokémon franchise, Wave, Listen to Me!) is in charge of the series scripts. Satohiko Sano (Heybot!, Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-kun, Talentless Nana) is designing the characters. Yuki Hayashi (My Hero Academia, Haikyu!!) is composing the music, with King Record as the music producer. Masafumi Mima is the audio director.
Source: Shaman King anime’s website via Otakomu