During the Boruto series, Naruto and Hinata have grown up and raised a son and daughter. Throughout the series, Naruto learned many lessons and became someone capable of earning the title of the Seventh Hokage after Kakashi gave it to him. Now, as Boruto’s father, Naruto has the opportunity to teach Boruto the lessons that he learned during the Naruto series.
Even though Naruto is busily working as the Hokage, he still teaches Boruto by talking with him and setting an example for him. These lessons are useful since Boruto tends to take after his father in some troublesome ways.
9 There Are Moments Where Naruto Escapes Work For His Family
One of the main problems between Boruto and Naruto is Naruto’s lack of time. While being the Seventh Hokage, Naruto has to spend lots of time working while his family misses him. But, even though Naruto is trying to care for an entire village, there are times when he sneaks out of work to go see his family when they need him.
In fact, right as Boruto got mad about his father’s absence, Naruto surprised Boruto by quickly getting home to see his sick little daughter.
8 Naruto Loves His Family
Even though Naruto is constantly working as the Hokage, Boruto still knows that his father isn’t someone who doesn’t care about his family. In fact, as he looks at a picture of the family, Boruto remembers how much his father cared for him and spent time with him when he hadn’t become the Hokage yet.
As a result, Naruto gave Boruto a good example of how to care for his family. The effect of this example was seen by Boruto’s reprimanding of his father, who was the Hokage, about spending time with his wife and daughter.
7 Boruto Most Likely Learned The Clone Jutsu From His Father
In Boruto‘s first episode, the protagonist used a familiar Jutsu. The Shadow Clone Jutsu was one of Naruto’s signature attacks. In fact, one of the first Jutsus that Naruto used in the Naruto series was the Shadow Clone Jutsu. As a result, it was not surprising that his son also learned a Jutsu that his father still used often.
Whether or not Boruto learned it directly from his father, he still saw his father use it multiple times. Also, like Naruto, this attack was one that Boruto almost always used in a fight against an enemy.
6 The Hokage Isn’t Perfect
Because Boruto spent a lot of time with his friends, he heard opinions about the Hokage, and he disagreed with some of these opinions. Most villagers respected the Seventh Hokage because of the previous war.
Naruto was known as a hero, and even some of Boruto’s friends believed that Naruto was worthy of fame. But, even though Boruto cared about his father, he tended to say that he had a low opinion of his father as the Hokage. Boruto knew better than anyone that the famous Hokage is not perfect.
5 The Hokage Is Bound By Rules
After helping his Class Representative change her plans about killing the villagers, Boruto went to his father. He planned on convincing Naruto that he should help her be forgiven by the village and not punished.
Of course, Naruto agreed that he wanted to forgive her, but he reminded Boruto that the Hokage wasn’t all-powerful. Naruto couldn’t simply promise to free the Class Representative. As a result, he showed his son that the Hokage’s title doesn’t excuse him from the responsibilities of said title.
4 War Should Be Stopped
After fighting the latest war, Naruto was trying to ensure that neither his son nor his daughter ended up in one. He made and kept the peace with the Kages. Hinata explained to Boruto that Naruto’s job helped him keep this goal.
Even though Boruto hated the title of Hokage, he still learned that his father cared about peace. When warriors in the Hidden Mist Village tried to threaten this peace, Boruto decided to keep it from happening.
3 Cheating Is Unacceptable
As the Naruto franchise changed, Naruto’s world also progressed. One part of this change was technology. From video games to televisions, Naruto had seen lots of new technology. However, even though technology could be useful, there were times when it wasn’t allowed.
In fact, when Boruto was battling in the Chunin Exam, he snuck in a technology that helped him with fighting. Naruto realized that Boruto was cheating and was forced to expose his son to the audience.
2 The Byakugan Isn’t A Habitual Power
As Boruto began using his new ability, he originally believed that his eyes were the Byakugan of the Hyuga Clan. He got really excited and told his family about it. Naruto, however, reminded Boruto that the Byakugan doesn’t usually happen.
Naruto convinced Boruto to see his grandfather about his eye’s power. During the visit, Boruto ended up sparring with his aunt to reveal that it was the Byakugan. Because of this fight, Boruto realized that it was probably not the Byakugan that he was using.
1 Boruto Learns to Fight More Intensely
Even though there are times when Boruto isn’t as hardworking as his father was, he still wants to become a strong ninja and win battles. This goal is partly driven by Boruto’s father. For example, when Boruto realized the importance of his eye, Naruto doubted that his son had the Byakugan and took Boruto to his grandfather and aunt.
When he sparred with his aunt, Boruto began to lose. However, when he looked at his father, he was driven to prove that he wasn’t pretending. As a result, he fought harder against his aunt and became a stronger opponent.