Behind every great superhero is a sidekick who helps keep them alive. Rarely taking credit for their work, every fan knows how much is owed to them.
The DC universe is full of amazing heroes who spend their lives saving the world and the galaxy at large. Behind many of those heroes is a sidekick that keeps them alive and makes sure that they aren’t consumed by the darkness around them.
These sidekicks are sometimes the unsung heroes of these partnerships, and although they rarely take credit for their work, the fans and their partners know how much is owed to these sidekicks. They have become major characters in their own right and they are beloved by the larger comic book community.
9 Tim Drake Is The Sidekick Batman Always Needed
Tim Drake has one major factor that sets him apart for the other Robins, he chose to be Robin. He wasn’t adopted into the life, but he actively sought it out. He discovered Batman’s identity and convinced the Cape Crusader to let him be his new partner. He knew Batman needed a Robin to keep him grounded. While he is just as good a detective as Batman and possibly more accomplished with technology, he rarely tells people and allows himself to work from the background.
8 Spoiler Has Helped The Bat-Family More Than Anyone Admits
Spoiler pushed her way into the Bat-family and it was for the better. She was the daughter of a villain but didn’t let that stop her ambitions. While Batman may not have wanted her partnership, he was happy for it in the end, and Stephanie even became a Robin at one point. She is a great fighter and more than willing to fight for Gotham. She is an underrated hero who has been a Robin, Batgirl and her own persona of Spoiler.
7 Arsenal Was Desperate For Someone To Acknowledge His Role
Arsenal trained with the Green Arrow for years, always feeling like he was second best. Instead of trying to talk to his mentor about it, he became addicted to drugs and went down a hard path. Arsenal always felt like he was better than he got credit for, and when he struck on his own and joined forces with Red Hood, he started to get the recognition that he always wanted.
6 Tempest Was A Quiet And Powerful Partner
Garth aka Tempest was the first Aqualad and helped out Aquaman on many of his early adventures. Garth is a relatively quiet character in the DC comics universe. He makes very few ripples and is featured in few comics, despite Garth’s power levels.
He is not only an Atlantean, but he is also capable of wielding tremendous magical power. Garth continually flies under the radar and seems to be where he is content to stay.
5 Kid Flash Is Possibly Faster Than His Mentor But Never Mentions It
The original Kid Flash aka Wally West is a fan favourite character and has been beloved by fans for years. For a lot of people, he is their Flash since he served as the Speedster for a large portion of time while Barry was dead in the post-crisis world.
It is even a debate with some fans that he is the true fastest man alive. Wally is always humble and content just saving people. He isn’t looking for recognition or praise, he just wants to make up for lost time, have redemption for his wrongs, and spend time with his family.
4 Jon Kent Is Humble Just Like His Father
A trait of all the Kent family is their ability to be humble despite having incredible power. Jon Kent is no different. Although he wasn’t a sidekick in the traditional sense, Jon did learn and train with his father, and is currently serving as the main Man of Steel for Metropolis. He is still young and apprehensive about his role in life, but he is trying to learn from mistakes and be the best Superman he can be. His humility and willingness to learn put him on the right path.
3 Donna Troy Followed In Wonder Woman’s Steps While Forging Her Own Path
Donna Troy was the first Wonder Girl and a spitting image of Wonder Woman. She is a powerful amazon woman who, just like Wonder Woman, wants to bring love and justice to the world. She never looked to be a leader though – even in her time with the Titans she was content to follow orders or listen to others rather than be in charge. Yet people still looked to her for advice and courage when they were scared. Without desiring leadership, she still managed to be an inspiration.
2 Dick Grayson Was Batman’s First Partner
Dick Grayson is the original, most well-known and prolific sidekicks in modern fiction. He was the first Robin and carved out a niche for himself and all the other sidekicks who came after him. During his tenure as Robin, he was happy. Fighting crime and stopping the bad guys filled his days with danger and adventure, but it gave him purpose and fulfilment.
It wasn’t until the end of his time as Robin that he began to feel dissatisfied and that it was time to leave the shadow of Batman.
1 Orphan Remains A Silent But Effective Fighter
Orphan aka Cassandra Cain is the embodiment of humility. She is simply there to fight crime. With very few wants or desires, she looks to no one for approval and doesn’t ask for words of affirmation. Orphan is a silent and deadly fighter who strikes fear into those who know her reputation. Now wearing the title of Batgirl once again, Cassandra is ready to move forward in her next stage as a crimefighter.
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