The vampires of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure possess unique abilities that make them far worse off than other famous vampires in fiction.
Hirohiko Araki’s JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is occasionally guilty of falling into certain genre tropes, but it’s hardly a series that can be considered predictable or safe in the decisions that it makes. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is a staggering accomplishment in storytelling that depicts a generational conflict between good and evil that’s lasted for more than a hundred years.
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure hasn’t been afraid to mix things up and evolve its formula when necessary, which has led to some big swings in its narrative, like the presence of vampires. Vampires come into the picture quite early in JoJo’s narrative as the series provides its unique slant on the supernatural subject matter. The vampires in the universe of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure have their fair share of problems to worry about.
9 It Can Also Affect Animals
Vampirism is a problem that usually befalls humans since there’s a level of intent involved with the process of turning someone into an undead creature. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure decides not to discriminate in this regard, and DIO goes through a number of bold experiments to figure out exactly just what’s possible through the added strength of a vampire. DIO creates human and animal hybrids through the use of vampire genes, which are exceptionally disturbing, but JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure also depicts horses who succumb to vampirism. These feral beasts are an unexpected threat to look out for, and this extends to any wild animal.
8 In A Weakened State, They’re Prone To Uncontrollable Outbursts
There’s a wealth of advantages that the vampires in JoJo’s Bizarre Advantage experience, but the majority of these perks only apply to the monsters that keep themselves in prime condition. A well-fed vampire will thrive, but those that are deprived of blood will begin to lose control of themselves and erupt in erratic and violent behavior. If a vampire doesn’t feed enough then their bloodlust will get the better of them and cause them to lash out until it receives what it needs. This could result in unintentional victims that get caught in the crossfire.
7 They’re Susceptible To Become A Part Of A Stronger Vampire’s Army
One of the advantages of a powerful vampire in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is that they can administer their hypnosis abilities on weaker individuals and create a compliant army. The same applies to those who become infected with a vampire’s flesh bud that’s able to properly grow and reach maturity.
This can empower some vampires, but it also results in even more bloodsuckers who become slaves to their superiors. It’s not uncommon for new vampires to get wrapped up in this power cycle and never actually have any agency for themselves.
6 They Have Extreme Sensitivity To Sunlight and Hamon
JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure creates its own lore for its reinterpretation of vampires, but the one major concept that it embraces from pop culture is that a vampire’s main weakness is sunlight. In fact, the whole concept of Hamon/Ripple only comes into being since it’s a light-based energy force that’s perfect to take on vampires. Most vampires are likely aware of this caveat, but it’s still something that they need to constantly keep in check and ultimately restricts them. Curiously, a vampire can still utilize Hamon, but it would basically result in their immediate death.
5 Implanted Flesh Buds Are Practically A Permanent Process
Most takes on vampires view the sharing of blood, life, and death as a substantial way to pass on the transformation and create more bloodsucking monsters. The vampires in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure are subject to an extra security precaution that’s almost always a death sentence except for extreme circumstances.
These vampires can implant a life bud in their prey’s brain, which begins the vampirification process. However, this bud will develop deadly tentacles that target both the host and the helper if it’s attempted to be removed. It leaves the victim with basically no hope or recourse for survival.
4 They Can’t Transform Into Bats, Wolves, Or Other Animals
Vampires have a fascinating history in pop culture as impressive shapeshifters. The prevalent notion of vampire bats makes flight often within a vampire’s capabilities, but they’re also often depicted as being able to turn into wolves and other predatory animals. None of this is present in JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, and their vampires are forced to retain a human-like appearance. JoJo’s vampires can transform and manipulate their bodies in upsetting manners, but not in the capacity of animal transformations. DIO already has enough strength and resources, but he’d be considerably more dangerous if he could masquerade as a bat or wolf.
3 They’ll Become Zombies If The Process Isn’t Properly Handled
The vampire transformation process isn’t treated like a hard science in most forms of pop culture, but JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure turns it into a more volatile procedure with extra room for error. JoJo’s vampires are formed through the use of the legendary Stone Mask and exposing it to blood. A blood transfusion from another vampire is also capable of triggering this process. Any other attempts to create a vampire are likely to go awry and result in a zombie instead. JoJo’s zombies and vampires aren’t that dissimilar, but the zombies have even less agency and power.
2 It’s Not A Guaranteed And Predictable Process
The decision to become a vampire is often terrifying or met with considerable reservations, yet there’s some reassurance in the new abilities that are gained. JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure has a standard template for its vampires, but there’s tremendous variance that’s shown between them all that reflects the unstable nature of the transformation. DIO’s vampirification process and powers differ from Straizo’s, for instance, and there’s no set pattern. Different vampires are subject to unique transformations and bodily manifestations. This power is usually a good thing, but some lesser vampires form an extra face and other undesired side effects.
1 Their Purpose Is To Be A Food Source For Others
Vampires play a crucial role throughout the first three sagas of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, and it’s fascinating to learn that they were initially a creation of the Pillar Men. JoJo’s Pillar Men are Battle Tendency’s primary antagonists, and their experiments with the Stone Mask and acupuncture result in the birth of vampires. These vampires are meant to be a food source for the Pillar Men, as well as a way for them to learn more about the potential that lies in humans. This leads to the discovery of the Red Stone of Aja and how to reach a form of “perfected” vampire.
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