The Green Lantern ring is one of the most powerful weapons in the DC Universe, and Hal Jordan is one of the best Green Lanterns to have ever wielded the ring. He is a champion of the Green Lantern Corps and is among the most powerful individuals to have ever been part of the Justice League.
Despite that power, there are foes that even the mighty Hal Jordan has yet to take down. There are enemies that have proven too much for even the greatest Green Lantern. On top of that, there are foes across the DC Universe that he hasn’t even faced yet despite how significant or dangerous that individual may be.
9 Deathstroke Once Embarrassed Hal Jordan
In addition to the time that Deathstroke famously took down the Justice League one member at a time and used Kyle Rayner’s own ring against him, Slade has also embarrassed the great Hal Jordan. At one point, the Green Lantern tried to restrain Deathstroke with his ring, only to have Deathstroke swing kick Hal in the face and escape.
Deathstroke would almost certainly lose in a true one-on-one fight with Hal Jordan, but the Green Lantern has yet to prove that scenario.
8 Hal Jordan Has Yet To Fully Have It Out With Martian Manhunter
Whether the Green Lantern of Earth could conquer the Martian Manhunter remains to be seen as well. It was revealed that, in the New 52, J’onn J’onzz turned on the Justice League, and the scene seems to indicate that even Hal was powerless to stop the Martian.
However, an all-out battle between the two has yet to be shown in the comics, so it’s unclear if Hal would win the day in this duel.
7 Green Arrow Killed Hal Jordan Once And Hal Has Never Returned The Favor
At the height of Hal Jordan’s first rampage as Parallax, his own friend, Green Arrow, put a broadhead arrow in Hal Jordan’s chest to stop the madness. Parallax was dead for a time, but he soon returned with a vengeance–but Green Arrow had died in the interim.
While it’s clear that Green Arrow would not stand a chance against Hal Jordan, the Green Lantern has never sought to pay Green Arrow back for this defeat.
6 Batman Has Exchanged Punches With Green Lanterns But It Has Never Come To An All-Out Fight
Batman famously punched out Guy Gardner when the Green Lantern challenged the Dark Knight for leadership over the Justice League International. Hal later paid Batman back for that punch when Hal returned from the dead and was cured of Parallax. Batman later paid Hal Jordan back with another punch.
Despite this exchange of blows, Green Lantern and Batman have never come to an all-out fight. It is known that Batman keeps contingency plans for the Justice League–including a Sinestro Corps ring for Hal Jordan. Who would win if the two went to war is unclear.
5 Wonder Woman Has Smacked Hal Jordan Around Before
In the New 52 Justice League title by Geoff Johns, Jim Lee, and Jason Fabok, Wonder Woman and Green Lantern had several disputes that came to blows. In each situation, Wonder Woman shattered GL’s constructs and smacked Hal around like a ragdoll.
The two haven’t had a full-on fight yet, and, again, it’s unclear if Hal could win this one considering the great power at Wonder Woman’s disposal.
4 Atrocitus Has Never Been Tamed By Hal Jordan
The leader of the Red Lantern Corps, Atrocitus has threatened Hal Jordan and the Green Lantern Corps on a few occasions. Atrocitus was one of the first criminals that Hal tried to arrest with Sinestro, but this was before Atrocitus became the Red Lantern. Since then, Hal and Atrocitus have come into conflict again but without a decisive victor.
When Atrocitus tried to enact his Red Dawn on Earth, two Green Lanterns were able to beat him and send him packing–but those were Simon Baz and Jessica Cruz. Hal Jordan was off-Earth at the time.
3 Orion And The New Gods Laid Out The Green Lantern Corps
The various Lantern Corps came into conflict with the New Gods of New Genesis when Highfather aimed to steal the power of the Corps to restore the Life Equation and slay Darkseid. The weapons of the Lantern Corps proved useless against the armies of New Genesis at first.
Hal Jordan himself fought Orion, who effortlessly countered Hal Jordan’s attacks and beat Hal Jordan. It wasn’t until Black Hand resurrected the Source Titans to put Highfather in his place that the Lantern Corps won the day over the New Gods.
2 Even Parallax Could Never Best Green Lantern Kyle Rayner
When Hal Jordan was possessed by Parallax, he was more powerful than he had ever been before. He was even able to defeat Superman. However, there was one hero who consistently stood against Hal and was part of every coalition that fought Hal: Kyle Rayner, the last Green Lantern. Ultimately, Kyle was part of the team that finally overcame Parallax and stopped him for good.
Later, Hal Jordan would fight Kyle Rayner, but, this time, Hal was the GL, and Kyle was possessed by Ion. Hal seemingly beat Ion, but it was showed that he left a duplicate behind to let Kyle leave this battle.
1 Hal Jordan Has Never Been Able To Stand Up To Darkseid Alone
While Hal Jordan was part of the Justice League during many of their victories against Darkseid, he has been unable to do much against Darkseid on his own. During Darkseid’s invasion in the New 52 Justice League, Hal even tried to take on Darkseid alone and was greatly humbled.
Darkseid is an unfathomably powerful being who has only ever sent aspects of himself to fight the heroes of Earth, so it seems unlikely that any one hero could truly stand against Darkseid at full strength.
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