The official website for the television anime of Asato Asato‘s 86 light novel series began streaming the second promotional video on Saturday for the television anime’s second cours (quarter of a year). The video reveals that the second cours will premiere on October 2, and also reveals more cast. In addition, the website also revealed a new key visual and the show’s theme song information.
The new cast includes:
amazarashi will perform the opening theme song “Kyōkaisen” (Boundary Line), and Regal Lily will perform the ending theme song “Alchemila.”
Yen Press is publishing the light novel series in English, and it describes the story:
The Republic of San Magnolia has been
attacked by its neighbor, the Empire. Outside the 85 districts of the Republic
there is the ‘non-existent 86th district,’ where young men and women continue to fight. Sheen directs the actions of young suicide bombers, while Lena is a
“curator” who commands a detachment from a remote rear. The story of the
tragic struggle between these two begins!
The television anime premiered on April 10, and is airing for two cours (quarters of the year). Crunchyroll is streaming the series as it airs in Japan, and it is also streaming an English dub.
Source: 86 anime’s website