The official Twitter account for the television anime of Asato Asato‘s 86 light novel series began streaming on Tuesday a new character promotional video for the television anime’s second cours (quarter of a year), and it highlights Anju Emma.
◤◢◤第2弾公開 ◢◤◢
キャラクターPV第2弾(アンジュ・エマVer.)公開!記念にアンジュ役の #早見沙織 さんサイン色紙を抽選で2名様に!
10.02 ON AIR#エイティシックス(@anime_eightysix)September 21
The account previously streamed a character promotional video for Kurena Kukumila.
◤◢◤第1弾公開 ◢◤◢
キャラクターPV第1弾(クレナ・ククミラVer.)公開!記念にクレナ役の #鈴代紗弓 さんサイン色紙を抽選で2名様に!
10.02 ON AIR#エイティシックス(@anime_eightysix)September 18
A new character promotional video will stream on Thursday.
The anime’s second cours will premiere on October 2.
amazarashi will perform the opening theme song “Kyōkaisen” (Boundary Line), and Regal Lily will perform the ending theme song “Alchemila.”
The new cast includes:
Yen Press is publishing the light novel series in English, and it describes the story:
The San Magnolia Republic has long been under attack by unmanned weapons from the neighboring Empire. Against this onslaught, the Republic has also deployed similar weapons, narrowly avoiding great loss of life and impending disaster-or at least that’s how it seemed.
The truth is that it has never been possible to have no casualties. Young men and women drawn from the Republic’s supposedly non-existent 86th district are organized into the “86 unit” and then ordered to pilot the “unmanned weapons” before heading to battle.
The television anime premiered on April 10, and is airing for two cours (quarters of the year). Crunchyroll is streaming the series as it airs in Japan, and it is also streaming an English dub.
Source: 86 anime’s Twitter account via Otakomu