In the trailer, Sully and Drake meet at a swanky cocktail lounge in Manhattan, with Drake shaking cocktails behind the bar. To my knowledge, Drake has never tended bar in an Uncharted game (though there is an IRL cocktail from social media sensation Tipsy Bartender called Drake’s Deception: ginger beer, goldschlager, and high-proof rum, then set it aflame). And none of the games spend a second in Manhattan.
Still, bars have long played a role in Uncharted games. Recall the opening sequence of Uncharted 3, when Drake and Sully beat up a bunch of dudes in a London pub before getting “shot.” Or how about later in the game, during the prequel chapter, which shows how a younger Sully and Drake actually met: in a downtrodden watering hole in Cartagena. And, of course, there’s the exclusive auction level from Uncharted 4, seemingly lifted for the film here, where you can catch a glimpse of…