Let’s break down key moments in Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin and how the franchise’s latest chapter leaves us with some unanswered questions.
WARNING: The following contains major spoilers for Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin, now streaming on Paramount+.
The first six Paranormal Activity films left a bittersweet taste in fans’ mouths. While, at first, the found footage concept was cool, the novelty started to wear off with covens, demons and even time-traveling being worked into Ghost Dimension. It left a lot of inconsistencies in the interconnected narratives, and sadly, the latest chapter, Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin, follows suit with some unanswered questions of its own.
1) How Does Next of Kin’s Cult Get Sarah Back?
This movie pivots on Margot visiting an Amish cult to reconnect with them after her mom, Sarah, fled the community and dropped her off at a hospital. However, the film reveals later on that Sarah is trapped as a prisoner in a cave, with the demon Asmodeus inside her. We’re never told how the commune got Sarah back or why she didn’t simply go on the run with Margot. Knowing what’s at stake, she would have helped the girl stay off social media, so no one could find them, which is what the cult did and baited Margot home.
2) Why Would Next of Kin’s Cult Allow Cameras and Enemies Inside?
The cult wants to perform a ritual to move Asmodeus from Sarah into Margot, but seeing as they have so many depraved things to hide, one has to wonder why they’d allow Margot’s camera crew inside. They don’t even have spies monitoring the visitors, allowing the crew to find their occult church and uncover the conspiracy. Allowing a documentary is counterintuitive to their mission, when the villains could just have invited a desperate Margot in without cameras.
3) How Does Asmodeus Haunt Next of Kin’s Home?
The demon’s haunting Sarah’s old room, where Margot finds keepsakes and the supernatural link. It scares her by the bed, appears in the windows and spooks her almost everywhere inside, but if it’s trapped successfully in Sarah in the cave, how is this possible? It could be it’s leaking out of Sarah’s frail form, but the fact women are powerful prisons for the entity leaves this ghostly activity needing clarification.
4) Why Didn’t Asmodeus Attack the Cult in Next of Kin?
The demon eventually attacks Margot, as it wants to kill her so there’s no new vessel to be trapped in. But we’re not sure why it didn’t hunt the leader, Jacob, or the head priestess, Lavina. It knows the key players from the cult, and once they’re dead, Margot wouldn’t matter, as no one would be alive to start the transferal process.
5) Why Didn’t Next of Kin’s Heroes Call the Cops?
Chris and Dale head to a convenience store to buy a car battery, but they use the internet there to research the evidence they found on Asmodeus in the church. They know something’s sketchy, yet they go back, knowing Margot’s already bleeding out. They could have called the cops, or even if the phone lines were down due to the snowstorm, they could have used their social media to seek help. A local already told them the cult’s faking being Amish, so all the evidence pointed to something being off.
6) Who’s The Next of Kin After Margot?
It’s confirmed a witch brokered a deal with the cult centuries ago to pass the demon into a line of women, the latest being Margot, all to protect it from razing the world. However, if Margot did get the demon in her, then who’d be next in line? As Sarah’s child, the line was passed down, but it’s never confirmed who’d be the vessel after, as Margot doesn’t have a kid. With the demon in her and no confirmation if Sarah has sisters, using Margot so early on makes the cult’s plan wonky.
7) How Did Next of Kin’s Demon Jump Into Samuel?
Eventually, Sarah’s killed after her monstrous form attacks Margot, allowing Asmodeus to jump into Samuel, Jacob’s right-hand man. Prior to that, the rules of the film indicate only women can be used as hosts. It’s kept vague if men can be used or if other folks not related to Sarah can be vessels. Thus, Samuel’s fate feels like it’s pulled out thin air in the final act.
See how all the unanswered questions arise in Paranormal Activity: Next of Kin, now streaming on Paramount+.
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