The original Star Wars trilogy introduced many characters who were popular enough to remain in the fandom zeitgeist nearly a half-century later. Many fans can name several characters from the original trilogy. Neither the prequels nor sequels managed to accomplish such a feat, despite having many great additions to the franchise.
Despite their instant popularity, many of George Lucas’s creations saw their initial popularity dwindle when Return Of The Jedi ended its run. For some, the story abandoned them. But, more than one recovered as fandom carried the franchise through the decades. Sometimes, this even manifested in the official stories being told in various genres.
7 Boba Fett’s Shine Was Tarnished After Return Of The Jedi
It might seem odd to think that Boba Fett’s popularity ever waned. However, one of the most popular new characters from The Empire Strikes Back did suffer from his treatment in this film. Of course, this was mostly because George Lucas didn’t realize how popular the bounty hunter had become.
Of course, Boba Fett regained his popularity just as Star Wars regained its popularity. Boba Fett’s accomplishments became a legend throughout the Expanded Universe. Despite those stories now officially relegated to non-canon “Legends,” Boba Fett is poised to re-establish his dominance in the Disney+ series Book Of Boba Fett.
6 General Veers Was An Imperial Commander That Vader Found Competent
Before and after the Battle of Hoth, Darth Vader thinned the ranks of leadership within the Imperial Navy. It became a common joke in fandom that the Empire had the fastest rate of promotion due to officers constantly failing Darth Vader. It neglects that there is a general in the Army that attacks Echo Base, with whom Vader seems satisfied.
General Maximilian Veers commanded the group of AT-AT Walkers that landed on Hoth. Veers himself destroyed the Rebel power generator. His absence from further scenes in the original trilogy was explained in 2017’s Star Wars: On The Front Lines. A snowspeeder crashed into his Walker, decapitating it and severely injuring Veers. Fortunately, Vader’s favorite general recovers completely.
5 Lobot’s Cybernetic Implants Captured The Imagination Of Fans
Lobot was Lando Calrissian’s aide in Cloud City. While silent and stoic, he is seen receiving remote instructions from Lando. His unique abilities and appearance set him apart from other characters, despite having no lines to deliver in the Empire Strikes Back, his only film appearance to date.
Unfortunately, Lobot was overshadowed by other new characters like Boba Fett, Yoda, and Lando himself. Any momentum Lobot had as a character was lost. His unique appearance led to various writers fleshing out his story in the Expanded Universe as the liberator of Cloud City.
4 Grand Moff Tarkin Held “Vader’s Leash”
In Star Wars, there were two bits of casting meant to give the studio confidence. One was Sir Alec Guinness as Obi-Wan Kenobi. The other was Peter Cushing as Grand Moff Tarkin. Cushing’s portrayal carried the authority and evil of the Empire. Even Princess Leia’s description of Tarkin “holding Vader’s leash” underlines Tarkin’s importance in the story, if not the Empire itself.
Every scene he’s in not only defines his character, but defines the Empire going on throughout the films. Unfortunately, Tarkin died when the Death Star exploded. Without him, Darth Vader became an overwhelming presence in the Empire. The addition of the Emperor in Return Of The Jedi made Tarkin’s malevolence seem insignificant, despite demonstrating his disregard for the lives of innocents.
3 General Dodonna Was Replaced By Other Imperial Leaders
In the original Star Wars, the Rebel forces on Yavin IV are commanded by General Dodonna. Despite the impressive victory against the Death Star, the General doesn’t appear further in the trilogy. His role is taken over by other rebel leaders, like Mon Mothma and Admiral Ackbar.
Kieron Gillen, writer of the Star Wars comic story Hope Dies, gave General Dodonna his final fate. In a battle with Darth Vader’s Star Destroyer, he sacrificed his life to give the rest of the Rebel fleet time to escape. Previously, he had been revealed to have survived into the time of Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi. Gillen used the story to explore how characters like Han Solo and Lando Calrissian became Generals in the Rebellion relatively fast.
2 Biggs Darklighter’s Death Was Quickly Forgotten
It’s well known by fans that Biggs Darklighter had a larger role initially. When he reunited with Luke Skywalker on Yavin IV, it is a subtle callback to a line Luke delivered to his uncle Owen, “Yeah, that’s what you said when Biggs and Tank left.” It was a remnant of a relationship that initially was shown near the beginning of the original Star Wars.
Biggs surprised his old friend, confiding that he’s going to jump ship for the Rebellion. Biggs dies during the assault on the Death Star. It was initially meant to be a significant moment in Luke Skywalker’s journey. Unfortunately, with the basis for this friendship left on the cutting room floor, Biggs Darklighter is quickly forgotten and never mentioned again.
1 Obi-Wan Kenobi Was A Major Character That Ended Up Just Delivering Exposition
In the first Star Wars film, Obi-Wan Kenobi was a major hero. He’s Luke Skywalker’s guide into a larger universe guided by the Force. His actions are those of a traditional hero, and Luke is pushed into his heroic role with Obi-Wan’s sacrifice against Darth Vader.
Obi-Wan, in The Empire Strikes Back, was a guide into Luke’s next step on his hero’s journey. By Return Of The Jedi, Obi-Wan served solely to deliver exposition to the young Jedi Knight. It’s through Obi-Wan Kenobi that Luke had a twin sister, and that was Princess Leia. Only after the prequels did Obi-Wan get a more significant role in what would become known as the Skywalker Saga.
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