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5 Harry Potter Characters Who Could Survive The Squid Game (And 5 Who Wouldn’t)


Even months after its release, Netflix’s Squid Game remains strong in the memory of its fans. The Korean survival drama revolves around competitors engaging in a brutal and sadistic battle to the death, all to win a financial prize that would liberate them from their heavy debts. While fans wait for news on a possible second season, many have started to reenact the childhood games that appear in the show.

RELATED: X-Men: Which Characters Would Most Likely Win In Squid Game

Some unfortunate attempts have even led to serious injuries and hospitalizations. That is for good reason as, childhood games or not, the Squid Game stages are no joke. In fact, even the characters of J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter would have trouble beating them without their magic. Some would probably survive, but others would likely not even pass the first game.

10 WOULD SURVIVE: Tom Riddle’s Determination To Escape Death Makes Him A Top Contender


Even without his magic and Horcruxes, Tom Riddle would have excelled in something like the Squid Game. Highly intelligent and cunning, Tom is above all else determined to survive. His original decision to create Horcruxes may have been influenced by the devastation of World War II, but the deaths in the Squid Game would have a similar effect. Tom’s charisma would easily allow him to form a team that would follow him and he may even be able to guess some of the games beforehand. All things considered, he would be a top contender for winning the game.

9 WOULDN’T SURVIVE: Harry Potter’s Savior Complex Would Be His Downfall

If there’s anything Harry Potter excels at, it’s survival. Despite the fact that his blind courage could have easily doomed him, Harry escapes even the direst situations thrown his way. Raised by the abusive Dursleys, he has known constant hardship and would not be too affected by the food deprivation or hostility often present between the walls of the Squid Game compound.

RELATED: Squid Game: 10 Harsh Realities Of Playing The Games

However, Harry’s savior complex might prove to be a challenge as he would be inclined to save others instead of himself. Raised to die by Dumbledore, he’s practically conditioned into thinking everyone else is more important. Harry’s much too noble and forgiving, and that would ultimately be his downfall.

8 WOULD SURVIVE: Severus Snape’s Cunning Makes Him A Perfect Competitor

Snape frowning

Much like Lord Voldemort, Severus Snape is the epitome of what it means to be a Slytherin. The talented potions master acts as a double agent in the second war against the Dark Lord, pretending to be a loyal Death Eater while spying for the Order of the Phoenix.

Even without his skill in magic, he would preserve an understanding of science, as well as an enviable degree of cunning. Ruthless and determined, Snape would do whatever it takes to win, just as long as he didn’t have to face Harry at least.

7 WOULDN’T SURVIVE: Peter Pettigrew’s Cowardice Set Him Up For Failure

peter pettigrew

Originally one of James Potter’s closest friends, Peter Pettigrew becomes the Secret Keeper of the Fidelius Charm protecting James and Lily’s home. Becoming Voldemort’s spy, he gives away James and Lily’s location, leading to their deaths. In the wake of the Dark Lord’s fall, he goes into hiding and spends years disguised as a rat. Despite being sorted into Gryffindor, there’s next to nothing about Peter that is brave or noble.

His weak, cowardly personality is what makes him turn on his friends in the first place, and even among the Death Eaters, he isn’t respected. Peter would likely panic so during the first stage, Red Light Green Light, and attempt to flee. Naturally, it wouldn’t work and he would meet an ignoble death.

6 WOULD SURVIVE: Barty Crouch Jr.’s Resilience And Cunning Serve Him Well

Barty Crouch Jr

Appearing in Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire under the guise of Defense against the Dark Arts teacher Mad-Eye Moody, Barty Crouch Jr. is a loyal servant of Lord Voldemort. Despite being locked up many years in the Wizarding prison, Azkaban, he manages to go undercover as the grizzled old Auror. Granted, Moody’s eccentric demeanor may have helped, but that doesn’t make Barty’s strategy any less valuable.

Barty Crouch Jr. enchants the powerful Goblet of Fire into picking Harry as a competitor in the Triwizard tournament, and subtly encourages Harry’s success for the purpose of leading the young wizard to Lord Voldemort. His ruthlessness and cunning would serve him well in the Squid Game, where there would be no Dementor to take him down.

5 WOULDN’T SURVIVE: Lucius And Draco Malfoy Rely Too Much On Their Privilege

Despite being a Death Eater like Barty, Lucius would have a hard time in the Squid Game. A consummate politician, Lucius is at his best when manipulating things from a position of power. He would probably be better suited to the position of VIP, because he would falter as a competitor.

As evidenced by his behavior in the second war with Lord Voldemort, Lucius would crack under pressure. He relies too much on his privilege and wealth to handle a gritty fight like the Squid Game. His son Draco wouldn’t do much better.

4 WOULD SURVIVE: Ron Weasley’s Strategic Mind And Occasional Disloyalty Are A Lethal Combination

Harry Potter Ron Weasley

Ron Weasley is Harry Potter’s best friend and has stood by his side since his first confrontation with Voldemort at Hogwarts. But the two haven’t always seen eye to eye. On more than one occasion, Ron’s jealousy over Harry’s fame and his own inferiority complex have made him turn his back on his friend. The most notable instance is arguably when Ron leaves Harry and Hermione behind during the Horcrux hunt.

Ron is by no means a bad person, but this side of his could be lethal in the Squid Game. He’s also far more intelligent than he seems, his expertise at chess revealing a budding strategic mind. Between that, and his occasionally reckless temperament, Ron could very easily stumble into a win. Of course, this would be a pyrrhic victory at best, as the guilt would ultimately consume him.

3 WOULDN’T SURVIVE: Hermione Granger’s Intelligence Might Not Be Enough To Protect Her


Squid Game is an excellent show, but it does have one significant flaw: the series isn’t very kind to female characters. In the game, women are seen as burdens. The difference in physical strength between men and women is overemphasized, with male players outright stating their own superiority.

RELATED: Best Female Characters in Squid Game, Ranked

Unfortunately, this is exactly why Hermione wouldn’t fare well in the game. While she’s the brightest witch of her age and always prepared with a spell, she’s not quite as physically fit as Harry or Ron, who are Quidditch players. Her wits would carry her through the first stages of the game, but she would eventually be killed.

2 WOULD SURVIVE: Bellatrix Lestrange’s Ferocity Is Just As Dangerous Without Magic

Hermione might not have what it takes to survive the Squid Game, but the same cannot be said about Bellatrix Lestrange. Lord Voldemort’s most vicious Death Eater doesn’t need a wand to be deadly, as she uses a knife to kill the house-elf Dobby.

Having survived her long imprisonment in Azkaban, she is completely insane, but also resilient to hardship. Bellatrix wouldn’t need magic to kill people in the Squid Game. She would easily find another way, particularly since she enjoys the activity so much.

1 WOULDN’T SURVIVE: Marbles Would Be Fred And George Weasley’s Downfall

Twins Fred and George Weasley stand out for the depth of their relationship, and the humor & creativity they display through their inventions. Fred’s death at the end of the Battle of Hogwarts is one of the saddest losses in the series. It’s likely the two partners in crime would fare just as poorly in the Squid Game.

They would obviously stick together up to the Marbles game, at which point one of them would be forced to die. It’s unlikely the survivor would be able to persevere through the final stages of the game, as George was never quite able to get over his brother’s death.

NEXT: My Hero Academia: 10 Students Who Could Survive Squid Game Without Quirks

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