In all of Star Wars, there are few characters as important as Obi-Wan Kenobi. The Padawan of Qui-Gon Jinn who would become the Master of Anakin Skywalker and the first teacher of Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan was a well-trained Jedi who fought in the Clone Wars and helped free the galaxy from the grip of the Empire at the cost of his own life.
Obi-Wan stands tall as one of the most important figures in Star Wars, and when it comes to using the Force, there are few who match his level— but that doesn’t mean the Jedi Master stood on a level all his own. For every character who can’t hold a candle to Obi-Wan there are those who stand as equals with the legendary Clone Wars general who played such an important part in the history of the galaxy far, far away.
10 On His Level: Yoda Was More Than Obi-Wan’s Equal
So little is actually known about Yoda, but what is known is quite impressive. One of the most powerful Jedi, Yoda was a leading member of the Jedi High Council and respected by all. After the fall of the Galactic Republic, Yoda was one of the few Jedi to survive Order 66 and battled the Emperor one on one.
While finding refuge on Dagobah, Yoda used the Force to keep tabs on things, watching over the remaining Jedi and even communicating with Ezra Bridger on occasion. After Obi-Wan’s death at the hands of Darth Vader, Yoda took on the task of training Luke Skywalker.
9 Nowhere Close: Pong Krell Was A Jedi, But He Was Nothing Like Obi-Wan
During the Clone Wars, Obi-Wan made a name for himself as one of the great generals. The Jedi Master was respected by the clone soldiers who were willing to die for him because they understood that Obi-Wan would never put his regiment in harm’s way if there was another option.
Jedi Master Ping Krell was quite different. Also a general during the Clone Wars, Krell was known for his disgust for the clones, using them as little more than cannon fodder. Krell was such a terrible leader that the clones, who were designed to take orders, turned against him during the Battle of Umbara. It was later revealed that Krell has come to believe that the Separatists would win the war and had started to work against his own side in order to gain favor with Count Dooku.
8 On His Level: Ahsoka Tano May Never Have Become A Jedi, But She Was More Than Worthy Of The Title
The Padawan of Anakin Skywalker, Ahsoka Tano left the Jedi Order before she finished her training. Her decision to walk away from the Jedi was painful, but when the Jedi High Council questioned her loyalties and almost allowed the Galactic Republic to execute her for a crime she didn’t commit, the young Togruta walked away from all that she knew.
Even without finishing her training, Ahsoka proved herself to be more than equal to any Jedi. And while she was Anakin’s Padawan, her personality and style has more in common with Obi-Wan. Like Obi-Wan, Ahsoka is methodical and calm.
7 Nowhere Close: Mace Windu Was Too Quick To Judgement
Like Yoda, Mace Windu was a member of the Jedi High Council, but the actions and attitude of Windu as seen in the films and Clone Wars animated series make it seem like he may not have fully deserved his high standing.
Windu is the member of the High Council who first comes to believe that Ahsoka Tano is a traitor despite the evidence against that theory, and it is his words that lead to Ahsoka leaving the Jedi Order. Unlike Obi-Wan, Mace Windu has no patience and is often quick to act without thinking. It is this attitude that leads to his death at the hands of Anakin Skywalker.
6 On His Level: Kanan Jarrus Is A Flawed Teacher, Just Like Obi-Wan
Kanan Jarrus was just a Padawan when the Clone Wars ended and the Emperor instituted Order 66. Much like Obi-Wan, Jarrus went into hiding, and also just like Obi-Wan, Jarrus found himself becoming the teacher to a young user of the Force, Ezra Bridger.
Kanan was not as skilled in the Force as Obi-Wan, but he was as dedicated to his young student, sacrificing himself to save Ezra and the rest of the crew of the Ghost. Along with being a teacher long past the fall of the Jedi Order, Kanan and Obi-Wan both broke a major rule of being a Jedi – they had personal attachments. For Obi-Wan, it was his feelings for Satine Kryze. For Kanan, it was his love for Hera Syndulla.
5 Nowhere Close: Qui-Gon Jinn Was More Of A Rebel Than Obi-Wan Could Ever Be
Qui-Gon Jinn was Obi-Wan’s Jedi Master, and the two have a lot in common because of that, but they also stand apart in a very important way; Qui-Gon was willing to stand up to the Jedi Council when he disagreed with them.
Of course, Qui-Gon’s actions essentially kicked off the destruction of the Jedi Order, which would not have happened if he had listened to Yoda in the first place. There is no telling what the Star Wars Universe would have looked like if Qui-Gon had not used his abilities to free Anakin and take him on as a Padawan.
4 On His Level: Leia May Not Have Been Taught By Obi-Wan, But She Was A Lot Like Him
It is unknown just how well Obi-Wan knew Leia Organa, but the two share a lot in common. For one thing, they each have a dry wit that they especially like to use when they are captured or in danger. For another, they are both very patient people who know how to gain the respect of their soldiers.
Where Obi-Wan was possibly the most respected general in the Galactic Republic, Leia Organa quickly became the most respected leader of the Rebellion. Both did this by never putting themselves before their soldiers. If there was a fight to be had, Ob-Wan and Leia were always on the front lines with their men.
3 Nowhere Close: Jocasta Nu Had Too Big An Ego To Be Obi-Wan’s Equal
The Chief Librarian of the Jedi Archives, Jocasta Nu should have understood that there are things in the universe that remain unknown, but when Obi-Wan came to her to get information about the planet Kamino, Nu quickly asserted that no such planet existed and refused to believe there was any chance she was wrong.
While some have theorized that Nu was working for Palpatine and was trying to misdirect Obi-Wan, her actions later in the Clone Wars, and her work after surviving Order 66, suggest otherwise. She was just too egotistical to believe that there was something she didn’t know.
2 On His Level: Luke Skywalker Is A Better Jedi Than Obi-Wan
It may seem hard to believe, but Luke Skywalker is actually a better Jedi than Obi-Wan ever was. While Luke tends to let his emotions cloud his judgment, and is even known for being a bit of a complainer, the son of Anakin Skywalker actually understood something that Obi-Wan, and many Jedi, never learned: Forgiveness.
Both Obi-Wan and Yoda tell Luke that the only hope to save the galaxy from the Emperor is to kill Darth Vader, but Luke actually saves the day by choosing the path of peace. He puts down his weapon and trusts that under all that metal, his father is still human.
1 Nowhere Close: Darth Maul Never Stood A Chance
A Sith Lord, Darth Maul stands out as one of the coolest and most vicious villains in the history of Star Wars. Over the course of the prequels, The Clone Wars animated series, and Rebels, Maul manages to kill Qui-Gon Jinn, take control of Mandalore, kill a few more Jedi (along with some Inquisitors), and create the criminal organization Crimson Dawn.
No one can doubt just how tough Darth Maul is, but that doesn’t change one simple fact: Maul faced off against Obi-Wan twice, and both times he lost horribly. The first time, Obi-Wan cut Maul in half, and the second time Obi-Wan killed Maul in two seconds.
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