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10 Times Captain America Was A Good Role Model


In the Marvel Universe, there are few heroes greater than Captain America. Known for his ability to inspire others, he’s one of the greatest leaders around. He’s someone that everyone can look up to for a variety of reasons- he never gives up, he’s the first through the breach, and he’ll fight anyone if it means saving the lives of those who can’t fight on their own.

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While he’s not perfect, there are few heroes who are greater role models than Cap. Over the years, he’s proven time and time again that he’s the ultimate role model, setting an example for everyone to follow.

10 Before He Was Cap, He Wanted To Fight The Nazis Regardless Of His Physical Condition

A skinny blond man stands in a lab as an older man hands him a beaker. In the next panel he drinks it as other scientists watch.

Before the super soldier serum, Steve Rogers was a 98-pound lad but even then, he had a well-developed sense of right and wrong. At a time when most Americans were ignorant of the Nazi menace, Steve was all about wanting to stop them before things got out of hand and enlisted when he first got the chance, sensing the way the tide was turning.

Steve had little to no chance to actually get into the military but that didn’t stop him from trying. He wanted to do his part against the greatest evil of his age and nothing would stop him.

9 He Was Able To See Past Villainous Misdeeds

Captain America, Quicksilver, Hawkeye and the Scarlet Witch in Avengers #16.

Cap quickly became the leader of the Avengers after joining. Eventually, the founders of the team- Iron Man, Thor, Ant-Man, and Wasp- left and it was up to him to repopulate the team. He took an unexpected tack and picked three villains for the group- Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, and Hawkeye.

Instead of holding their past deeds against them, he took a chance with them and it paid off. All three would become integral to the team, and while Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver had their missteps, the world would be a lot worse off- and probably non-existent- if it wasn’t for Cap taking a chance with them.

8 He Was Eager To Help Foster The Next Generation Of Heroes

Captain America And Falcon Charge

From his early days, Cap always had a sidekick. He got used to being a mentor and that paid off for him in later years, as he was always finding new heroes to mentor and teach.

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Cap took his responsibilities seriously and one of those was to pass on what he learned. He knew that there was always a chance he wouldn’t be around forever, so he made sure to prepare others to take his place, just in case.

7 He Wouldn’t Stop Until Winter Soldier Was Redeemed

Captain America and the Winter Soldier lean into each other, screaming. Cap holds his shield and the Winder Soldier holds a rifle.

Captain America may be tough but he’s also a big softie. This was never more apparent than when he learned the identity of the Winter Soldier. Cap wouldn’t stop until his old friend was himself again and he risked his life in order to make that possible. In fact, his life didn’t matter- getting his friend’s life back did.

Cap never gave up on Bucky and did everything in his power to make sure that he could break free of what was done to him. He wanted Bucky to have his life back and that was all that mattered to him.

6 Even When His Super Soldier Serum Gave Out On Him, He Still Fought

The super soldier serum gave Cap his physical abilities but it wasn’t foolproof. Over the years, it’s given out on him more than once, leaving him feeling his age and getting weaker. However, even with his body betraying him, Cap doesn’t give up the fight; he keeps going no matter what.

At one point, this meant wearing armor made by Tony Stark that protected him and allowed him to pack the same punch as before. More recently when it gave out, he may have taken a backseat when it came to missions but still helped out as much as he could, acting as a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent. Even though it was more dangerous, he kept fighting.

5 He Stood Face To Face With Infinity Gauntlet Wielding Thanos And Never Flinched

The battle against Thanos when he had the Infinity Gauntlet was very different in the comics than in the movies. In the movies, the heroes were able to stand against him for a time and he didn’t kill any of them until he snapped. In the comics, he killed just about all of them without even trying until the only one left was Captain America.

Cap walked over to him and locked eyes with Thanos, stood his ground, and even when Thanos shattered the shield and held him in place, he didn’t flinch. He punched the Mad Titan in the face and was dispatched with a backhand. He stood against evil, even all-powerful evil, regardless of the consequences.

4 He Fought Against His Own Government Many Times

Captain America Nomad Cape

Captain America may have represented America but that doesn’t mean he was happy with everything the US government did. In fact, many times over the years, Cap has found himself at odds with the government, fighting against them when things got the worst or abandoning his mantle of Captain America, changing his costume with sometimes outlandish results.

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Cap loves the people and ideals of the United States and the government doesn’t always live up to that. He saw no problem in speaking out when it was needed and would take up arms against the government when things got really bad, like in Civil War.

3 During Civil War, He Never Allowed His Side To Become As Bad As Iron Man’s

Cap fighting Punisher during Civil War

Civil War was a bad time all around and most of that was because of Iron Man’s side and their frankly terrible deeds. Iron Man had decided his side was going to win regardless and went to any length to secure victory. Even working with villains and using untested cybernetic clones like the Thor clone that killed Goliath. Cap, however, never went nearly as far.

He had his chance, too, when Punisher joined up but the minute Punisher even acted like himself, executing two villains who had come to offer their services to Cap’s side, Captain America beat him down and got rid of him. It may have been war but Cap was going to be honorable about it, unlike his foes.

2 He Surrendered At The End Of Civil War To Stop The Fighting

By the end of Civil War, Cap and company were winning- Namor and the Atlanteans had joined up with them and Cap himself had Iron Man on the ropes. However, civilians grabbed him, stopping him, and their protestation opened his eyes- the fighting was causing massive damage. No one was being protected- they were being endangered.

This revelation broke him and he surrendered, ending the fighting because it was the right thing to do. Of all of the fates at the end of Civil War, his would eventually be the most tragic as it led to his assassination on the steps of the courthouse.

1 He Fought In World War II


Saying that Cap fought in World War II and that’s why he’s a great role model kind of seems like a no-brainer, but thinking of it that way also downgrades just how important it was and how much it means to his mythos and the world. He stood in direct opposition to a power that wanted nothing more than extermination and subjugation, fighting for freedom.

Even with his super soldier enhancements and shield, it was still extremely dangerous and yet that didn’t phase Cap at all. He threw himself into the breach with no thought of his own safety, just desiring to protect the innocent from the Nazi war machine and end its threat to the world.

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