Throughout the Pokémon anime, Ash and Pikachu’s epic journey has provided fans with a multitude of memorable moments. The series is known for characters who pursue their dreams, meet companions and make rivals, fight Pokémon battles, perform in Pokémon contests, and have chance encounters with some legendary Pokémon. These are what make the series of Pokémon so special.
However, the true heart of Pokémon lies within the bonds of friendship made on Ash and Pikachu’s journey. Whether that bond is made between Pokémon, human companions, or trainers and their Pokémon, the ultimate bond of friendship is what gives the characters strength. And sometimes the most powerful way to show that bond isn’t through words, but rather through acts of kindness and bravery.
10 Ash And Pikachu Protect Each Other From Spearows
To long-time fans of Pokémon, it should be no surprise to learn that the iconic duo did not initially get along. Ash was a brand new trainer who was overeager to begin his journey, and Pikachu wasn’t ready to listen to Ash at all. However, when the two aggravate some wild Spearows, they find themselves in a dangerous situation.
Determined to protect his Pokémon, Ash urges Pikachu to go back into its Pokéball and uses himself as a shield. However, instead of listening to Ash, Pikachu heroically protects him with a lighting attack. Their mutual desire to save one another at this moment solidified their unbreakable bond for adventures to come.
9 Charmander Waits For His Partner
Before Charmander became a member of Ash’s team and eventually evolved into the strong-willed Charizard, it was originally another trainer’s Pokémon. Charmander had originally been the partner to a cocky trainer named Damien, who had abandoned Charmander because he believed the Pokémon to be too weak. Damien had left Charmander on a rock, promising he would return for it.
However, Damien broke his promise and had no intention of going back for his Pokémon. Charmander on the other hand completely believed in their trainer and waited for him to return. The Pokémon waited to the point that its tail flame was at risk of going out, an action that would cost Charmander its life, thus displaying the true loyalty of a Pokémon.
8 Butterfree’s Emotional Goodbye
Fans will know Butterfree as the first wild Pokémon Ash caught on his journey. The bug-type Pokémon became an integral part of Ash’s team. The Pokémon started out as a weak Caterpie, but would eventually evolve into a strong Butterfree. Like with many of Ash’s Pokémon, Butterfree has a strong bond with its trainer.
A bond that can be seen when Ash says goodbye to Butterfree, allowing the Pokémon to be with its mate. In this tearful goodbye, fans can see that the bond between Pokémon and trainer will never break, even if the two are no longer journeying together.
7 Piplup Refuses To Evolve
Another notable duo in the Pokémon franchise is Dawn and her Piplup. After an encounter with some wild Ariados the two promise to journey together as partners. When Piplup is faced with evolving, Dawn is excited and ready to begin the next chapter of their journey. However, evolving into a Prinplup meant that Piplup would become a completely different Pokémon.
A Pokémon who may not remember its promise and past with Dawn. Piplup’s refusal to evolve displayed how much their promise meant to it and how much it loved being Dawn’s partner.
6 Serena Becomes More Dedicated Than Ever
In the world of Pokémon, working hard to obtain your dreams is important to every Pokémon trainer. However, the journey to reach one’s dream is not always an easy one. Many characters face challenges and setbacks along the way.
Serena is one notable example of overcoming challenges to reach your dream. After losing her first Pokémon Showcase, Serena is confronted with her own shortcomings. However, instead of giving up, Serena becomes more determined than ever to achieve her dream of becoming the Kalos Queen. Serena even displays her new attitude with a new look, showcasing determination.
5 Ash Beats Gary Shows Their Rivalry
Fans who have watched Ash’s journey from the start of the Indigo League will know of his long-standing rivalry with Gary Oak. Gary, an arrogant Pokémon trainer from Pallet Town is always one step ahead of Ash. Whether it is the number of gym badges or the number of Pokémon the two have obtained, Gary always comes out on top.
However, despite the smack talk the two dish out, it’s their actions that have more impact. Ash’s ability to defeat Gary at the Johto League Silver Conference displays that the two of them are truly the greatest of rivals.
4 Team Rocket Saves The Day
Team Rocket may not be the most dastardly of villains within the Pokémon franchise, but they are known to be thorns in Ash’s side. With their conniving – bordering on silly – plans to capture Pikachu, Team Rocket is not known for being the good guys in the series. However, when push comes to shove Jessie, James, and Meowth can do what’s right.
Team Rocket in Pokémon The Movie: 2000 help Ash save the legendary Pokémon Zapdos, Moltres, and Articuno along with the world. Team Rocket’s decision to help the “twerp” proves they are not as bad as they boast to be.
3 Bulbasaur Was The Protector Of A Hidden Village
When Bulbasaur is first introduced in the anime, it is distrustful of trainers and hostile to Ash, Brock, and Misty. Before becoming a member of Ash’s team, Bulbasaur was the protector of a hidden Pokémon village. The grass-type Pokémon dedicated its time to attacking trainers who would come too close to the other injured and abandoned Pokémon.
However, Bulbasaur was also known for being extremely caring to the injured Pokémon who resided there. Bulbasaur’s dedication to protecting its fellow Pokémon displays not only its strength in battle but also its caring nature and the strong bond between Pokémon.
2 Ash Wins The Alola Championship
From the start of his journey, Ash was determined to become the greatest Pokémon Master. To achieve that dream, he must win each region’s Pokémon League Conference. However, over the course of the anime, Ash faced defeat after defeat in Pokémon League Conferences.
Despite his losses, however, Ash never gave up on his dream. It is his determination to become the greatest Pokémon Master that pushes Ash to grow and become a better Pokémon trainer. A trainer who eventually gets one step closer to his overall dream by becoming the Alola Pokémon League Champion.
1 Sir Aaron Saves Lucario
Lucario, once a loyal Pokémon of Sir Aaron, is distrustful of humans when it is released in Pokémon: Lucario and the Mystery of Mew. The Pokémon, believing that its master had betrayed it and his kingdom, no longer believes that humans and Pokémon can be friends.
However, it is later revealed that Sir Aaron had not betrayed Lucario, but rather protected it before sacrificing himself for the greater good. It is because of Sir Aaron’s sacrifice that Lucario’s faith in humans and the bond they share with Pokémon is restored.
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