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10 Strongest Marvel Heroes Mongul Could Kill


Mongul is back in a big way. The lord of Warworld, there have been three Monguls since his debut. DC’s answer to Thanos, Mongul has been fighting it out with Superman since pre-Crisis times. Every version of him has been a titanic fighter, having battled the greatest heroes of the DC Universe. Anyone who can fight it out with heroes like Superman is tough, and Mongul is all about that life.

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Marvel’s heroes and villains are powerful, but Mongul could run through some of the toughest without much problem. Mongul would straight up kill many of Marvel’s best.

10 Iron Man Wouldn’t Stand A Chance Against Mongul

Iron Man in Lasers

Iron Man is a founding Avenger and has been fighting the good fight for a long time. He’s great in a fight, but his most useful skill is his intelligence, which has helped him triumph many times. Unfortunately, that won’t do much against Mongul. Iron Man’s armor is pretty great, but it can’t stand up to Mongul’s overwhelming might.

Iron Man couldn’t phase Mongul at all, even in Hulkbuster armor. The Armored Avenger wouldn’t be able to take too many hits from Mongul. In fact, he’d almost certainly be dead after two hits in his regular armor. The Hulkbuster armor would take longer, but he’d still be dead before he did much damage to Mongul.

9 Captain Marvel Would Hurt Mongul Just Enough To Make Him Angry

Captain Marvel’s power has grown in leaps and bounds, but she’s nowhere near Superman’s level when it comes to strength and durability. Her cosmic energy powers would be a great help against Mongul, but Captain Marvel’s style is to get up close and personal with her foes. She likes to fight, and that would cost her against Mongul.

Captain Marvel is powerful enough to hurt Mongul but not kill him. That’s just going to make him angry, and he’ll fight that much harder. As much as Captain Marvel likes to fight, Mongul lives for it. A powerful foe is a challenge to him, so he’ll go all out against Captain Marvel.

8 America’s Power Would Give Mongul Pause, But That Wouldn’t Be Enough

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The most powerful of Marvel’s younger generation of heroes is America Chavez. From an alternate universe, America has a wide variety of powers, including super strength, durability, the power to travel between dimensions, and so much more. Her muscle has helped her friends in the Young Avengers survive many battles, and she’s as powerful as they come.

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All of that power is going to have Mongul licking his chops to fight her. Both of them love a challenge, but Mongul eclipses her in so many ways. America has a chance if she fought smart, but one punch from Mongul is all it would take to end it for her.

7 Mongul Would Rip Colossus Limb From Limb

Colossus comes from a bloodline of powerful mutants and has long been the muscle of the X-Men. He’s a man with the heart of the poet but is as fierce as they come in a fight. He’s fought some of the strongest villains around, but he’s never fought anyone like Mongul. That’s going to be a huge problem for Colossus.

Colossus is strong and durable, but Mongul is Superman level. He would easily be able to bludgeon the organic steel Colossus to death. He could rip him apart with little to no trouble, making short work of the mutant strongman.

6 The Vision Would Hold Out For A While But Would Still Fall To Mongul

The Vision’s variety of powers have served him well over the years. His super strength, flight, and energy beams are great but it’s his density control that has allowed him to win so much. He can phase through the opponent’s attacks and increase his density to add oomph to his blows. It’s this power that would help him survive for a while against Mongul.

The problem is that Vision’s energy blasts won’t hurt Mongul. Eventually, he’ll have to go super dense, which opens him up to Mongul’s attacks. Mongul can hurt Superman, and Vision can’t take that kind of punishment, even at full density. It would be a long fight, but Vision would still eventually die.

5 She-Hulk’s Strength Just Wouldn’t Be Enough

Jennifer Walters as She-Hulk

She-Hulk is among Marvel’s strongest women. She’s been a member of the Fantastic Four and the Avengers, putting her at the forefront of many battles. While she isn’t as strong as her esteemed cousin, she’s no slouch, and even the stoutest foes would rather face anyone but her. While her strength is great, it’s not enough against Mongul.

To begin with, She-Hulk isn’t nearly as strong as some of the people Mongul fights on a regular basis. Strength alone isn’t enough to hurt the alien warlord, and She-Hulk’s going to learn that the hard way.

4 Thor’s Might Can’t Stand Up To Mongul’s

Thor is one of the strongest Avengers, bringing power to the team when they need it the most. The God of Thunder has been battling evil for millennia and has faced down some of the most dangerous threats the Marvel Universe can throw at him. Even cosmic beings fear Thor. His warrior spirit is indomitable, and he’d throw himself at Mongul with relish.

The two of them would have an epic battle, but Mongul is just way stronger than Thor. While Thor’s godly power would even things up, it would just spur Mongul on in the fight. A worthy foe is something Mongul loves, and he’d give it his all to kill the God of Thunder.

3 Mongul Has What It Takes To Beat The Hulk

Hulk Ryan Ottley

Hulk is the strongest one there is in the Marvel Universe. While he starts out much weaker than Mongul or Superman, his strength potential is infinite, making him one of the scariest people to fight. To successfully beat the Hulk, one has to end the fight quickly, and most just aren’t strong enough to do that. That’s not a problem Mongul has.

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Mongul, at the start of the fight, is much stronger than Hulk. Once he realizes what he’s dealing with, he’s going to strike with all of his strength. Hulk is strong, but he’s never been hit by someone like Mongul. It’ll be the shortest fight Hulk’s even been in, and Mongul will decorate himself in gamma-infused blood when it’s over.

2 Hyperion Is A Pale Reflection Of Superman

Hyperion standing with explosion behind

Hyperion is one of the most powerful heroes in the Marvel Universe. He was the first Marvel Superman pastiche, and his powers are exactly the same as the Man of Steel’s, just lesser. This is going to be a problem for Hyperion. Mongul has faced down the full fury of Superman and won. Hyperion isn’t up to the same level.

It’ll still be a tough battle for Mongul; Hyperion is skilled and knows what he’s doing. However, Mongul’s blows will keep wearing on him, beating him down more and more. He won’t be able to withstand Mongul forever, and Mongul will mock him as a pale reflection of Superman.

1 The Sentry Has A Chance But He Would Still Die

The Sentry was explicitly created to be Marvel’s version of Superman, an all-powerful hero with the kind of foibles that Marvel is known for. The Sentry is indeed potent as a hero, and his dark side, the Void, is as dangerous as they come. Of any hero in Marvel comics, the Sentry has the greatest chance of surviving Mongul. Unfortunately, he depends on his power too much to win.

The Sentry’s power level is great, but his fighting skill leaves something to be desired. That will cost the Sentry his life. Mongul edges out the Sentry in power just barely, but he’s a much better fighter. That’s going to allow Mongul to win and eventually destroy the Sentry.

NEXT: 10 Harsh Realities Of Being A Marvel Villain

10 Strongest DC Mentors, Ranked Feature Image

10 Strongest DC Mentors, Ranked

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