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10 Strongest DC Heroes Jean Grey Could Beat


Jean Grey has long been a difference-maker for the X-Men. She’s one of the team’s most powerful members and is one of the most potent mental talents on the planet. She’s faced down some of the most amazingly dangerous threats ever and always triumphed, coming in clutch when her friends need her to. Jean’s life as a hero has never been easy, but she takes it all in stride and deserves her appellation as one of Marvel’s greatest heroes.

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As a mutant in the Marvel Universe, Jean has ended up in battle against a lot of superheroes. If she went up against some of DC’s heroes, she’d take down some of the most powerful out there.

10 Barry Allen’s Speed Wouldn’t Help Him Against Jean Grey

Flash Barry Allen

Barry Allen’s Speed Force powers and experience with them potentially makes him one of the toughest heroes out there. Against Jean Grey, his speed is little more than a liability though. Barry hasn’t had to deal with too many telepaths of Jean’s caliber, so he has little to no defense against her mental powers.

This is very bad for someone whose whole thing is moving fast. Jean can pretty much shut him down entirely using either of her mental powers, trapping him in his mind or holding him still telekinetically. Even with his speed, he couldn’t get the drop on her, which would allow her to easily win this fight.

9 Zatanna’s Magic Wouldn’t Protect Her Enough From Jean Grey

Zatanna is one of the most formidable magic users around. She’s dealt with a lot of foes, some of whom tried to invade her mind. This would give her some defense against Jean but they wouldn’t hold out for long. Jean’s been facing down enemies with much more formidable mental defenses than Zatanna’s.

Zatanna’s powers make her very vulnerable to Jean Grey. Even if Jean couldn’t break through Zatanna’s defenses, she could use her telekinetic powers to stop her from speaking. It would be an interesting battle between the two but in the end, Jean Grey would win.

8 Omen And Jean Grey Have The Same Powers, But Jean’s Are Much Greater

Omen Cropped

Omen was a member of the original Teen Titans. When she first joined the team, she was known as Lilith and was a red-haired mental talent. She was the team’s Jean Grey and while her powers have grown over the years, she’s still just a second-rate Jean. That’s going to make this a rather easy fight for the mutant.

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Omen can’t stand up to Jean’s mental might. Even if they have similar power levels, Jean’s experience and training are much greater. She’d give Jean a good fight but she just doesn’t have what it takes to challenge her. As the fight when on longer and longer, Omen would fall to Grey’s greater power and skill.

7 Jean Grey Would Break Guy Gardner’s Willpower

Guy Gardner Green Lantern

Guy Gardner is one of the foremost Green Lanterns. While he’s known for his flippant attitude and is rather quick to anger, his willpower makes him one of the Corps’ most devastating members. Green Lantern rings are built around the bearer’s mental state, which makes them uniquely vulnerable to Jean Grey.

Gardner would be susceptible to be her mental attacks, although he would also be a great challenge for her. Gardner’s mind has proven nearly indomitable, even beating a Red Lantern ring’s control. Jean would have a hard time with Gardner but her power would see her through and let her win the fight.

6 Jean Grey’s Power Would Overwhelm Alan Scott

Alan Scott Green Lantern Infinite Frontier

Alan Scott is the first Green Lantern and has gone through a lot of changes. He’s now the personification of the Starheart, its power fueling him and keeping him young. All of that is possible because of his will, like modern Green Lanterns, which is going to give Jean Grey a leg-up on him.

Alan Scott could probably defend his mind from Jean Grey for a while, but not forever. Her telekinesis would protect her from his assaults, and once she broke through his defenses, his mind would be putty in her hands. There would be nothing Alan could do to defend himself and like many others, he’d fall to Jean Grey.

5 Saturn Girl’s Telepathy Wouldn’t Protect Her From Jean Grey

Saturn Girl is one of the 31st century’s most powerful telepaths. Raised on Titan, she left to join the teen super-team the Legion of Superheroes and became one of its most prominent members. Her mental powers would let her defend herself from Jean Grey for a while but Jean’s telekinesis would allow her to defeat the young Titanian.

Saturn Girl and Jean’s mental war would be epic, but Jean’s use of telekinesis would be a wild card Saturn has no answer to. It would let her attack Saturn Girl in ways she couldn’t counter. Even if she could, Jean Grey is much more powerful than Saturn Girl, and woulf break through her defenses and take the teen hero down.

4 Raven’s Always Been Vulnerable To Mental Attack

Raven Rachel Roth Teen Titans DC Comics

Raven is one of the most powerful Teen Titans ever. Her magic and mental abilities have served her well over the years. Her biggest weakness has always been her mind, and while she’s mastered her dark side, Jean Grey would know how to exploit her vulnerabilities. Raven’s mental defenses would hold out for a time but Jean would break through.

Even if she couldn’t, Jean’s telekinesis is a great equalizer. It’s a potent offensive and defensive tool and would even things up with Raven’s magic. The fight between Jean and Raven would be epic but there’s no doubt Jean would win.

3 Doctor Fate Would Be A Tough Fight For Jean Grey But She’d Still Triumph

Doctor Fate DC Comics

The Helmet of Nabu gives Doctor Fate great power. In many ways, he’s easily Jean’s superior, but the mutant has always been good at taking down enemies that are stronger than her. While Nabu’s power would bolster Doctor Fate’s mental defenses, Jean knows how to take advantage of situations like that.

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Doctor Fate is used to Nabu speaking to him, so what happens when another voice claiming to be Nabu butts in? It’s going to confuse the mystical powerhouse immensely, which will give Jean the opening she needs. Nabu is a Lord of Order but Doctor Fate is human; Jean Grey could telekinetically choke out Fate while she confused him with her mental powers.

2 Jean Grey’s Telepathy Is Much Greater Than Martian Manhunter’s

Martian Manhunter has many powers but his telepathy is one of his greatest. He’s DC’s foremost telepathic hero and that ability has served the Justice League well. As powerful as his telepathy is, it’s bargain basement compared to Jean Grey’s. She’s spent her whole life honing that power and in a mental battle, she’s going to defeat Martian Manhunter.

J’onn is good at defending himself but Jean would break his defenses and take him down. Even if she couldn’t take him down mentally, she could find out his weakness to fire and use her telekinesis to take advantage of it, using it to defeat the Martian hero.

1 Superman’s Muscle Is No Match For Jean Grey’s Mental Might

Superman is DC’s greatest role model, but his mind has always been rather susceptible to attack. That’s going to make this fight rather easy for Jean Grey. Superman doesn’t have the mental defenses to stop Jean’s telepathy. That would make him clay in her hands and allow her to get the win over the most powerful hero on Earth.

That said, after being in Superman’s mind, she would realize just how great of a hero he was and feel bad for what she did. Superman would almost certainly forgive her and it would be easy to see the two becoming friends.

NEXT: The 10 Darkest Jean Grey Plotlines In The Comics

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