The Cleverness contests in the third generation Pokémon games (Ruby and Sapphire) as well as their remade counterparts (Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire, or ORAS for short) were some of the hardest contests those games contained. Typically they are suited best for psychic types, but plenty of other Pokémon can really stand their own and show off their smarts.
The best part is that in ORAS there are additional Scarf items that, when given to a competitor, will increase the appeal of a move corresponding to the right color. So hand off that Green Scarf and get going.
10 Gardevoir Is Brilliantly Cruel
Work it out with Psychic, Shadow Ball, Taunt, and Destiny Bond, and Gardevoir is going to maul the field. Just be sure to use Destiny Bond at the very last round— otherwise, there’s going to be some serious trouble.
It’s like the emotion Pokémon can use their abilities in a sort of Mean Girls way with this combination, tricking and making all of the other competitors’ lives miserable as they stand there looking pretty.
9 Exploud Doesn’t Look Like It
Exploud really doesn’t seem like one to bring into a smart contest, but it’s got a good combination of moves with Screech, Supersonic, and Synchronise in its naturally learned moves. It can also pick up Clever Contest staple Shadow Ball from a TM, Zen Headbutt from a tutor, and Smokescreen from an egg move.
The best part is thinking about how much of an underdog this guy would be the second it shows up on stage. Those judges definitely wouldn’t think highly of the player’s judgement upon first glance.
8 Gengar Has Got This
Gengar is a tricky little monster, and while it can be used effectively in almost every contest category (all if the player is willing to put forth a lot of work) it has ten moves it learns naturally that all fit within the Clever category.
This includes the dream Shadow Ball, Shadow Punch, Curse, Hex, and the best finale move of all: Destiny Bond. The amazing Disable can also be bred in to add to its extreme usefulness from Muk, Dusknoir, and Cofagrius. It also has some amazing Clever moves it can learn from tutors including the knockout jamming move Giga Drain.
7 Blissey Boasts Best Brains
Blissey is not just great at healing moves. It also is an amazing tank and can sweep in a Cleverness Contest. It makes sense all things considered since she has to keep all that medical knowledge in her head to help so many different kinds of creatures. She does best with Cute Contests, but can really make for some good Smart sessions too.
A tutor can teach one Zen Headbutt, and that Shadow Ball TM is going to need to be on her for this all to work out. Helping Hand can either be bred in or found on a tutor, which also makes for a good smart move. Know that Blissey will play it clean though, as none of the smart moves it can learn are jamming.
6 Weezing Is A Real Whiz
All that’s really needed here for Weezing to destroy the field is Smog, Smokescreen, Destiny Bond, and Poison Gas. Smog and Smokescreen, despite not being entirely the right types, make for a ton of good combinations. Destiny Bond makes for an amazing finale move, and Poison Gas is great for jamming one of those pesky NPCs.
It might not look like a smarty-pants, but they say two heads are better than one for a reason— and Weezing proves it to be so.
5 Flygon Is One Clever Bug
Feint Attack and Sand Tomb are the two essentials off of Flygon’s natural move list that make it out to be one brilliant Pokémon. It can be taught the move Giga Drain, which is a fabulously appealing smart move that also has some serious jamming capabilities and the Egg Move Gust makes for some good Cleverness contests.
That said, it has no choice but to be clever given that it’s a dragon that looks like a bug and lives in deserts kicking up sandstorms.
4 Xatu Is Made For Clever Contests
There is nothing about Xatu that doesn’t make it seem like a perfect fit for a cleverness contest. They are Flying/Psychic types that look really smart in general, so it’s a good thing they actually learn some great moves for contests. Eleven of them naturally, to be exact.
Including the godsend of Me First, which is a high priority-making move. It can also be tutored Giga Drain, learn Shadow Ball from a TM, and generally just has such a massive pool of Clever moves that it’s a shoo-in for that green ribbon.
3 Smeargle Is Smart Enough To Trace Any Move
With a little work, Smeargle is one of those Pokémon that can learn anything but another Sketch, Chatter, or Struggle. It takes some serious grinding and savescumming, but even so, its singular move, Sketch, counts as a clever move.
This means it can be a serious competitor or a whole swath of them can go about picking up everything to make themselves individually great at different contests.
2 Pikachu Ph.D. (ORAS Only)
Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire introduced a special little Pikachu that could be dressed up in different outfits. Its Thunder Shock move will be exchanged with a move related to its contest type, which for cleverness is Electric Terrain.
She can also learn the jamming move Knock Off as well as Helping Hand from a tutor, as well as being able to naturally learn the move Feint. It takes a little work for her to get the Cleverness ribbon, but she is really one of the goodies for it. They might need some creativity and to forfeit some extra appeal for some better combo moves, though.
1 Grab That Mew
Mew makes for a fantastic contest Pokémon simply because it can learn every single TM and HM in the game. So if there’s a mew available, slap some TMs to it and race it through the contests ad infinitum until it’s covered in a ton of pretty ribbons and the artist has drawn sketches of it to plaster all over the walls.
Remind all of the NPCs why Mew is one of the best out there, and how it is so smart because it can learn anything and everything it wants.
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