The world of My Hero Academia revolves entirely around Quirks. Approximately 80% of the population possesses this genetic factor, with the number of Quirkless people relatively decreasing with each successive generation. As such, this ability comes in a variety of flavors, each of which can be classified as part of a general category.
That said, the strongest Quirks are not necessarily combat-oriented, but those whose weaknesses are either negligible or non-existent. It may sound unfair to expect them to have serious drawbacks, but sometimes, it’s just necessary in order to even out the playing field.
10 Kai Chisaki’s Overhaul Can Both Create And Destroy Simultaneously
Kai Chisaki is born with one of the most versatile Quirks in history – he can disintegrate any substance and then recreate it in a different form. It’s truly dangerous because it can be applied to living creatures as easily as inorganic material, not to mention Chisaki basically overhauls his environment during battle.
The Overhaul Quirk requires his hands to function, but it’s nearly impossible to cut off his arms when all he needs to do is touch his opponent once.
9 Endeavor’s Hellflame Is Seemingly Unquenchable
There are likely hundreds of fire-based Quirks in the world, but Enji Todoroki’s Hellflame is brighter and hotter than all of them. Not only can he incinerate any opponent he chooses, but he can also regulate the temperature of his fire to deliver a calculated amount of damage.
Hellflame comes with a minor overheating problem if Endeavor charges his Quirk beyond its limits, but he rarely, if ever, needs to go that far in most fights.
8 Bakugo’s Explosion Needs Some Kind Of Limiter
Bakugo apparently secretes sweat containing nitroglycerin, which he detonates into massive blasts of energy using his hands. There is probably a cap on his Explosion Quirk, but given his rapid growth throughout the series, he is nowhere near breaking point.
Bakugo finds it marginally more difficult to ignite his sweat when the climate is chilly, but that’s not a drawback a well-placed support item can’t take care of. Thankfully, he isn’t as frenzied and turbulent as he used to be as he now understands the combat value in controlling his Quirk’s output.
7 Goto Imasuji’s Muscle Augmentation Can Handle One For All
Muscle Augmentation, Goto Imasuji’s overwhelming Quirk, allows him to reshape and resize his muscles, tailoring his attacks to each opponent. At his peak, his strength is such that it can take a point-blank punch from Deku (using 100% One For All) and literally shrug it off.
Muscular, as he’s better known, is only defeated because his opponent delivers an unprecedented 1,000,000% Delaware Detroit Smash, breaking through the villain’s muscle fibers.
6 Eri’s Rewind Could Destroy The World If Left Unchecked
Eri’s Quirk is quite terrifying, but that’s because she has little to no control over it. Her Rewind is capable of reversing the shape, structure, and other qualities of living creatures into a previous form.
This Quirk is a unique mutation with immeasurable potential, explaining Kai Chisaki’s loathsome interactions with his “adopted child.” Fortunately, Eri currently spends her time under Eraser Head’s watchful eye, as his Erasure is the best way to prevent Rewind from accidentally obliterating existence.
5 Shoto’s Half-Cold Half-Hot Can Keep Him Fighting Forever
Shoto Todoroki’s blended Quirk is a source of great pride for his father, although the former doesn’t initially consider it a blessing. With Half-Cold Half-Hot, he has ice-related powers on his body’s right side and fire-related powers on his left.
Shoto’s Quirk is analogous to a perpetual motion machine in that he can go all out and never run out of power – if he freezes his body too much, he can warm it back to full strength, and vice-versa. It’s a good thing that he’s a Pro Hero, because a villain would be nigh unstoppable with Half-Cold Half-Hot.
4 Shigaraki’s Decay Is Exaggerated Beyond Belief
Prior to becoming All For One’s successor, the effects of Tomura’s Decay take way too much time to materialize, making him weak against faster or stronger opponents. However, Dr. Kyudai’s Quirk experimentation amplifies the scope of Decay beyond normal comprehension.
For instance, Tomura pulverizes most of Deika City and a large section of Jaku City, exerting no effort whatsoever. Decay only works as long as its wielder is actively touching the item he wants to destroy, but this minor weakness doesn’t hold Tomura back in the slightest.
3 Amajiki’s Manifest Can Utilize Literally Anything He Eats
Tamaki Amajiki, the introvert of U.A.’s Big 3, possesses a consumption-embodying Quirk called Manifest, which transforms his body parts into the organisms he eats. This means that he can generate the features of the consumed items, be it plants, animals, and, in one case, crystals.
Amajiki is still young, but he can theoretically manifest all substances that pass through his digestive tract, whether it’s steel, diamond, fabric, wood, or anything else. If there’s something in his belly, Amajiki can utilize it.
2 Kurogiri’s Warp Gate Can Cut The Likes Of Even All Might In Half
Kurogiri’s Warp Quirk is one of the most useful in My Hero Academia, considering it can transport targets, living or otherwise, to a location of his choosing. A major disadvantage is that he is exposed to attack if his enemies manage to get hold of his physical form.
It’s easier than it sounds, though, given the cloud of black-purple smoke constantly shrouding Kurogiri. More importantly, however, it is claimed that anyone trapped mid-way through one of his portals would be bisected if the gate is suddenly shut – even All Might.
1 All For One Has Zero Known Drawbacks
All For One, named after his infamous Quirk, is far too shrewd to leave any strategic openings for his opponents to take advantage of. That said, the number and range of Quirks in his possession help negate most tactics developed to counter him.
All For One’s original ability has zero combat potential, but he can use his stolen Quirks to fight, regenerate from injuries, extend his lifespan, spy on his targets, perform telekinesis, and so on. Deku’s going to have his work cut out for him with this villain.
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