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10 Movie Characters With The Weirdest Habits


Many characters have a routine, or a tendency to perform a specific task all the time. Some of these habits are normal, such as eating the same thing for breakfast every morning or brushing their teeth twice a day.

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Some of these habits have been incredibly strange, making the characters who perform them stand out from the other characters in the film. These habits range from harmless to downright scary, but they are all memorable. The strangest habits have a tendency to appear in comedic films, and most of them have gotten at least a laugh or two.

10 Harry Potter: Luna Lovegood Has A Tendency To Believe The Most Outlandish Things

Luna reads an upside down quibbler

Luna from the Harry Potter film franchise is the daughter of Xenophilius, the editor of the Quibbler. She is eccentric and seems to enjoy being different. She is more than happy to talk about the Quibbler, which most people consider to be filled with nonsense and about magical creatures that may or may not exist.

For years, she was adamant that the Quibbler spoke the truth, despite its claims that Cornelius Fudge was baking goblins into pies. This habit of hers isn’t entirely bad, as it helped her easily believe in Harry’s claims about Voldemort’s return, while most of the world didn’t.

9 The Addams Family: Gomez Addams Plays With His Trains When He’s Upset

Gomez is excited for the baby

The entirety of the Addams family is quirky and even dark at times. Gomez has a tendency to play with a train set when he is upset, which shakes the house with the intensity of real trains. He uses it when he doubts the identity of his brother Fester, who had lost much of his memory after traveling to the Bermuda Triangle.

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What makes this moment darker is the fact that the trains appear to have passengers, who look out of the window at Gomez shortly before he makes the trains crash together in a fiery explosion.

8 Charlie And The Chocolate Factory: Violet Beauregarde Likes To Chew Gum Competitively

Violet blows a bubble

Violet is incredibly competitive, winning a large variety of awards. Thanks to her habit of chewing gum, she is the Junior World Champion Gum Chewer, a title that she is particularly proud of. During her time at the factory in Charlie And The Chocolate Factory, she is constantly chewing on the same piece of gum, taking the habit much farther than most people would.

When presented with an unfinished stick of Wonka’s three course dinner gum, she doesn’t hesitate to take it, chewing on it eagerly even after she sees the negative effects it inflicts on her body.

7 Pitch Perfect: Lily Onakuramara Whispers Incredibly Dark Things All The Time

Lily smiles

Lily spends the entire Pitch Perfect film speaking so softly that people can barely hear her. Despite this, she is accepted into the Bellas acapella group. She has this strange habit of whispering random, disturbing things that most people around her find off-putting, and the volume of her voice makes others further question what she just said.

Some of the things she has said include claims that she ate her twin in the womb, sets fires to feel joy, sleeps upside down like a bat, and was born with gills like a fish. None of these claims have ever been confirmed.

6 The Minions: The Minions Like To Follow Villains Around

Minions cheering

The minions from Despicable Me and their spin-off, Minions, have a habit of following the biggest, baddest villain that they can find. They want to serve the most evil people, yet at the same time, they want to be loved by said people. In addition to this habit, they also have a habit of accidentally killing each and every one of their bosses by mistake. The exception to this is Gru, who has somehow managed to avoid this disastrous end despite all odds. He is either just that cunning, or was saved by his decision to stop doing villain work.

5 Toy Story 4: Forky Likes To Throw Himself In The Trash

Forky is made by Bonnie

In Toy Story 4, Forky is created by Bonnie from various materials, with the main component being a spork. As a spork, he doesn’t react well to gaining life. Acting as a toy, in his mind, is not his true purpose. He spends the beginning of Toy Story 4 convinced that he is trash.

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He constantly throws himself into the nearest garbage bin, forcing Woody to fish him out in an attempt to break the habit. Forky is very persistent, but doesn’t end up breaking this habit until Woody finally opens up to him.

4 Howl’s Moving Castle: Turnip Head Always Manages To Get Stuck

Turnip Head

Howl’s Moving Castle’s Turnip Head is a prince that was turned into a scarecrow. Moving around on a pole that has replaced his feet is undoubtedly difficult, as he is forced to bounce around and balance precariously on things in order to remain upright. One gust of wind or wrong landing would be enough to throw the poor prince off-balance.

He has a habit of getting stuck all the time, and Sophie Hatter has saved him on more than one occasion. He does seem to get the knack for moving as time goes on, but thankfully doesn’t spend the rest of his life as a scarecrow.

3 Aladdin: The Genie Is Always Cracking Jokes And Making Pop Cultural References

Genie meets Aladdin and his friends

Despite the fact that no one around him will ever understand what exactly he is referencing, Aladdin’s Genie makes dozens of pop cultural references. This includes modern jokes, as well as impressions that will become more dated. Trapped inside of a cramped lamp for years at a time, Genie can’t help but want to entertain himself in wild ways, often acting larger than life and hoping to spend as much time out of his lamp by entertaining his audience as well.

2 Home Alone: The Wet Bandits Always Leave Faucets On After Robbing A Home

The wet bandits stand together

The Wet Bandits are a criminal duo, Marv Murchins and Harry Lyme, from Home Alone. They are burglars that targeted homes whose residents had left for the holidays. Marv came up with the name, as every time they robbed a house, he would clog the drains and leave the water running. Harry hated this habit of his, rightfully unenthused about being one of the Wet Bandits. This habit was additionally problematic as it would be incriminating evidence of multiple crimes further down the line.

1 The Emperor’s New Groove: Kronk Talks To His Shoulder Angel And Devil During A Moral Dilemma

Kronk confers with his angel and devil

Each time Kronk faces a moral dilemma in The Emperor’s New Groove, he talks to the little angel and devil versions of himself that stand on his shoulders. Both sides try to plead their case, and Kronk always drops what he’s doing in order to listen to them. This habit of his is why he decided to save Kuzco. During a key moment in the climax of New Groove, the main characters had to stand there and watch him converse with invisible people. Yzma completely lost patience with him after she saw this.

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