Throughout The Witcher series on Netflix, viewers have been introduced to a world full of monsters, mages, and witchers. While characters such as the beloved Jaskier must survive on wits and charm alone, others have forged their way in the world through strength of arm and controlling Chaos.
While the titular witcher, Geralt of Rivia, demonstrates just how skilled these monster hunters can be, it is often shown that true power lies in the hands of those who wield magic, with one very notable exception.
WARNING: This article contains spoilers for Netflix’s The Witcher.
10 Vesemir Has Survived Longer Than Any Other Witcher
Witchers have been a dying breed for some time when the series begins, and yet Vesemir remains as the oldest living witcher. Having survived the fall of Kaer Morhen, and raising strong and skilled witchers such as Lambert, Eskel, and most importantly Geralt of Rivia, Vesemir is a true survivor in every sense of the word.
While the old witcher may not be as strong as he used to be, he still knows how to handle his swords and Signs, and most importantly, he commands the respect of the last remaining witchers of the School of the Wolf.
9 Rience Is As Dangerous As The Fire Magic He Wields
Though only introduced in the second season, it is made clear that the fire-wielding mage Rience is both cruel and relentless, a dangerous combination for a powerful magic user. His actions in the show make it clear that he has no pity for his enemies.
Rience demonstrates his magical aptitude several times in the show, wielding the forbidden fire-magic as both an intimidation tactic and in combat. His rage and anger are also fueled when Yennefer burns him saving Jaskier, leaving him with some truly nasty scars.
8 Stregobor Is A Cunning Manipulator
The mage Stregobor is one of the Brotherhood of Sorcerers’ leaders, perhaps the most influential organization on the Continent. He is old and cunning, and clearly demonstrates a hatred for anyone not of his own kind.
Though Stregobor rarely demonstrates his magical capabilities during the show, he is known to be a skilled illusionist and his position within the Brotherhood lends this mage a large amount of power.
7 Tissaia Is Ancient & Influential
Tissaia de Vries is the Rectoress of Aretuza, responsible for recruiting and training young women who demonstrate magical capabilities. While she appears young, the books show this is in fact due to her use of magical elixirs, and she is in fact one of the oldest sorceresses alive.
In the show, Tissaia demonstrates her magical prowess on a few occasions, but it is her position in Aretuza that makes her truly powerful, commanding the respect of some of the greatest sorceresses alive.
6 Triss Is Skilled & Respected
Fans of the games will be quite familiar with Triss Merigold, one of the most important characters in the trilogy. Introduced as both a friend, ally, and possible lover of Geralt of Rivia, she is also an incredibly skilled magic user in her own right.
Though the Triss of the show doesn’t have quite as many opportunities to show off her magical prowess, she does have a chance to demonstrate her capabilities at the Battle of Sodden Hill, as well as when she used magic to help Ciri unlock the memories within her bloodline.
5 Vilgefortz Is Adept In Magic, Combat, & Politics
One of the most influential mages in the Brotherhood of Sorcerers, Vilgefortz of Roggeveen is clearly shown to be both a skilled mage as well as a savvy politician, teaming up with Tissaia de Vries to take power after the Battle of Sodden Hill.
Of all the mages in the show, Vilgefortz demonstrates some of the greatest abilities in combat, wielding both magic and strong skills with the blade to his advantage against dozens of Nilfgaardian soldiers, only bested by Cahir after sheer numbers wore him down.
4 Geralt of Rivia Is The Strongest Witcher
It goes without saying that Geralt of Rivia is one of the most dangerous men alive, having trained under the skilled witcher Vesemir, the White Wolf has long since surpassed his mentor to become the greatest of all living witchers.
Not only is Geralt an incredible swordsman, but he also demonstrates a strong proficiency with magic as well, using the witcher Signs to great advantage in battle. Beyond that, Geralt has a knack for making strong allies, which is useful for a man that also makes plenty of enemies.
3 Yennefer’s Power Is As Great As Her Ambition
The elven-blooded Yennefer of Vengerberg is often considered the most powerful living sorceress, having pushed beyond her initial struggles with magic to learn how to control her Chaos, granting her considerable power.
Of all the characters in the show who wield magic, Yennefer is the one who demonstrates it most often, showing aptitude with a variety of spells and demonstrating her devastating capabilities at the Battle of Sodden Hill, where she almost single-handedly routed the Nilfgaardian army.
2 Emhyr Var Emreis Rules Through Loyalty & Fear
While many of the most powerful and dangerous characters in the series are fighters and sorcerers, there are more ways than one to wield power. Emhyr var Emrys, the White Flame and Emperor of Nilfgaard, is someone who very clearly understands this, commanding great generals, vast armies, and even powerful sorceresses.
While this enigmatic figure only makes a brief appearance in the second season’s finale, it is clear by how other characters speak of him, with an almost zealous reverence and a great level of fear, that the White Flame is not one to be trifled with.
1 Ciri Truly Is The Lady Of Time & Space
Princess Cirilla of Cintra is undoubtedly the most powerful and most dangerous character in the series. The great magic she has inherited from her bloodline has granted her considerable magical abilities greater than any other living wielder of Chaos.
Ciri demonstrates these powers on multiple occasions, able to rend the earth with her shouts and destroy the seemingly indestructible monoliths. What makes her even more dangerous is that she has yet to learn to control her powers and that there are many nefarious forces in the world who wish to use her for their own ends.
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