Although most people in the Pokémon world would like it if all Pokémon were friendly, the personalities of these creatures are as diverse as those of people. Some of these Pokémon are natural-born pranksters, who like to steal and break into houses.
Since they are Pokémon, their pranks are harder to avoid and far more annoying than pranks pulled by other people. They use their special abilities to their advantage, and most of the time, their victims end up frustrated. For some Pokémon, they actually thrive off of the negative reactions of others and hate it when people don’t react the way that they want them to.
10 Nickit Loves To Steal From Others
Nickit, as indicated by its name, likes to steal. It is masterful at this, as its sharp intellect and the soft pads on its feet allow it to stealthily go wherever it pleases. It also erases its tracks with its fluffy tail, making it harder to track down after it has made its escape. Rather than gather food of its own, it would much rather steal food from unsuspecting Pokémon.
9 Gengar Likes To Toy With People’s Shadows
Haunter likes to tap people’s shoulders in the dark as a prank. Its evolution, Gengar, is a little more mischievous, as it likes to mimic the shadows of people. At times, people will be frightened when they see their shadows running past them. Scaring people makes this Pokémon happy, so it is not uncommon for people to hear it laughing at them from the shadows it hides in.
8 Impidimp Sneaks Into People’s Homes
Impidimp loves to annoy people, feeding off of their frustration and negative energy. It likes to sneak into people’s houses in order to steal things and to irritate the inhabitants. Few people enjoy the company of this Pokémon, but its evolution, Morgrem, is much meaner, luring people into the woods and even attacking those who let their guards down.
7 Whimsicott Can Go Anywhere To Pull Its Pranks
Whimsicott is known to be able to get into the smallest of gaps, allowing it to go anywhere it wants to. They usually like to slip into people’s homes uninvited. Once inside, they will leaves balls of fluff everywhere and move all of the furniture. It will also hide important things and giggle about it. Whimsicott only gets into trouble if it is wet, as it becomes too heavy to move.
6 Purrloin Likes To Steal For Fun
Purrloin isn’t a particularly kind Pokémon. It likes to steal from other people and watch them get frustrated. It uses its natural cuteness to make people lower their guard around it, allowing it to steal more and be easily forgiven no matter what it does.
Anyone who gets too close to it will wind up getting scratched and humiliated, as Purrloin will laugh immediately after attacking.
5 Misdreavus Likes To Scare People
Misdreavus is the master of jump scares. It roams around during the night, looking for a target to scare. It will scream or wail to capture someone’s attention, and will even go so far as to pull someone’s hair just to see their reaction. It also mimics people by making sobbing sounds. Misdreavus dislikes people who are not prone to getting scared since it likes to feed off of fear.
4 Dedenne Steals Electricity From Others
Dedenne is yet another Pokémon that no one wants in their homes. It likes to steal something particularly expensive: electricity. It cannot generate much electricity on its own, so it usually likes to steal some from other sources.
Its tail absorbs electricity from electrical outlets. Unfortunately, some people do not notice this is happening until they take a look at their electric bill.
3 Rotom’s Pranks Are Destructive
Rotom enjoys surprising others by taking over a variety of electronic devices. Given people’s reliance on technology, this type of prank can be a nightmare. When possessing a microwave oven, it uses flames to burn whatever it likes. Wash Rotom enjoys flooding rooms, Frost Rotom likes to freeze baths, and Mow Rotom likes to cut down flowers people spent a painstakingly long time to grow.
2 Hoopa Likes To Do Whatever It Wants
Hoopa is labeled as a “troublemaker” in its Pokédex entries. It will send anything it wants through its hoops, sending them to secret, faraway places in an instant. This part of its personality is even more troublesome when this Pokémon is unsealed. In order to get the treasures that it wanted, it has even stolen an entire castle. Hopefully, there wasn’t anyone inside when this happened.
1 Spiritomb Was Sealed Away For Its Mischief
Spiritomb earns the title of being the most mischievous Pokémon, as it has done so many misdeeds that it was sealed away 5oo years ago. This Pokémon is comprised of a total of 108 spirits. It was bound to the Odd Keystone by a traveler, meaning that this Pokémon managed to really frustrate this individual in a short amount of time. Other prankster Pokémon aspire to be this annoying.
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