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10 Most Likable Characters In The MCU


Part of the success of the Marvel Cinematic Universe is its characters. While the stories told are of a fantastical and unbelievable nature, the characters at hearts of those stories are grounded, relatable, and realistic. They also take all forms, from wise-cracking mavericks to straight-laced soldiers, to every kind of person in-between.

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With such a wide tapestry of characters to choose from, the Marvel Cinematic Universe has come up with many that resonate with fans more than others. Whether it’s their actions, their design, their personality, or their humor, there are some characters in the MCU who stand out as more likable than the others— even within a crowded pack to choose from.

10 Yelena Belova Feels Like A Little Sister

Black Widow Florence Pugh Yelena Belova 2

The deuteragonist of Black Widow, Yelena Belova has only had one chance to stand out in the MCU, but many fans feel that she took it with both hands. The adoptive younger sister of Natasha Romanoff, and a graduate of the Black Widow program, Yelena comes back into Natasha’s life when she attempts to free the other Black Widows from their mental conditioning.

Across the film, Yelena shows that, despite her hard life and damaging upbringing, she is still fundamentally good-natured. She is dedicated to her cause, and passionate about what she wants. However, she is also not above bickering with her older sister and poking fun at her in a way that a lot of fans could relate to.

9 James “Rhodey” Rhodes Combines Wisecracking With Responsibility

James Rhodey Rhodes in Avengers Age of Ultron

The superego to Tony Stark’s id, James Rhodes is introduced in Iron Man as a straight-laced character who is too sensible for the world he finds himself in, and is occasionally drawn into the crazy lifestyle of Tony Stark. As he has become a superhero of his own, has allied with the Avengers, and has received more focus, all the while managing to distinguish himself.

Quick-witted and snarky enough to keep up with Tony, Rhodey nonetheless avoids the excesses of his friend. While not without flaws of his own, he shows that he is a loyal friend, is dedicated to doing the right thing, and is resolute enough to continue superheroics even after being made disabled.

8 Thor Combines A Good Heart With Surprising Depth

Thor standing in Thor Ragnarok

While Thor has always been a popular Avenger and one of the original six, he was given limited chances to show his more likable side in the earlier films of the MCU. In his solo movies, he was under strain and striving to prove himself, whereas in the Avengers films he ended up sharing a straight man-type role with Captain America.

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Starting with Thor: Ragnarok, however, Thor’s naturally kind and dedicated nature has developed, showing him to be an occasionally foolish, surprisingly insightful, and genuinely thoughtful character. His retreat into humor to hide his pain has also endeared him to many.

7 Drax Shows That Revenge Doesn’t Have To Be Somber

From the start, the Guardians of the Galaxy were wackier and more absurd than their Earth-bound counterparts, the Avengers. In a team of funny individuals, Drax still stood out. A grieving warrior who created humor through his completely literal understanding of language and casual approach to and attitude about violence, he was well-received by fans.

Subsequent movies would show Drax, under the violence and seeming disregard, to be a genuinely caring member of the team who comes to see them as another family. His deeper side and his humor, along with Dave Batista’s lauded performance, ensure fans are always happy to see Drax on screen.

6 Mobius M. Mobius Is A True Buddy Cop

Mobius M Mobius talking in Loki show

In Loki, the audience is introduced to Mobius, a TVA Agent, when he interrogates Loki and saves him from “pruning” by the TVA for being a variant. The two go on to have an initially tense but increasingly warmer working relationship where Mobius acts as the straight-laced cop who doesn’t question his superiors, and Loki as the loose cannon.

Initially winning fans over with his wit and willingness to bring a more villainous Loki down a peg, Mobius would go on to impress viewers by being a reasonable authority figure, eventually siding with Loki and Sylvie against his bosses. Between his humor, his kindness, and his morals, he stands out amongst the more murky cast of Loki as a truly likable individual.

5 Ned Leeds Is The Sidekick Peter Parker Deserves

Ned Leeds using the computer Spiderman Homecoming movie

Ned Leeds is one of the most prominent supporting characters in the new series of Spider-Man films— alongside Zendaya’s Michelle “MJ” Jones— and the one who serves as Peter’s confidant from almost the very beginning. An unabashed superhero fanboy and nerd, Ned is introduced gushing with Peter about his new LEGO Death Star, and it only grows from there.

From interrogating Peter about his powers and the Avengers, to his quest for love on a European school trip, to serving as mission control against the Vulture, Ned supplies the levity that Spider-Man stories are known for in abundance.

4 Mantis Shows A Gentler Side To A More Violent Team

Introduced in Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2, Mantis joins the Guardians when they go up against her former boss, Ego the Living Planet. A sharp contrast to the violent, often morally-grey Guardians, Mantis is benevolent and all-loving, being able to feel the emotions of other creatures and avoiding violence.

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It is this dissonance that highlights her likability, with Mantis providing comedy and sympathy when she has to practice putting on a “mean face” or act like a warrior with Drax when she clearly isn’t. However, despite her largely gentle nature, she is also bolstered by being very effective when needs be— acting as the lynchpin of the ultimately unsuccessful plan to subdue Thanos.

3 Shuri Can Change The World, Save Her Country, And Spout Memes

Shuri Udaku is the princess of Wakanda, and the sister of T’Challa, first seen in Black Panther. From the minute she’s introduced, she’s seen bonding with T’Challa as they dispense with the ceremony one would expect from a king, and start bickering. Throughout the film, their close bond is shown, with Shuri even throwing memes T’Challa’s way during official business.

Beyond that, Shuri is also the head of technological development for Wakanda despite facing opposition for being a teenager and a female. More than just a genius, she shows a willingness to put herself in harm’s way, fighting Killmonger in the third act and being instrumental to T’Challa’s victory. Her genuine heroism combined with her extreme level of humor cement Shuri as a popular character.

2 Scott Lang Is A Good Hero & A Better Father

Scott playing the drums in his home

Despite being a former criminal, Scott Lang of Ant-Man is defined by his kindness, his humor, and his devotion. While Ant-Man does see him slide back into crime in the first act, it is only so he can pay child support and visit his daughter. Throughout, he shows himself to be entirely altruistic and willing to put himself in harm’s way.

In later films, he displays other likable traits, including sensitivity, being star-struck around other heroes, and an incredible closeness with his ex-wife and her new husband. Even Jimmy Woo, whose job is to arrest Scott, can’t help but like him. Both in and out of universe, almost nobody dislikes Scott Lang.

1 Peter Parker Is Referred To As “Your Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man” For A Reason

Peter Parker talking to Aunt May Spiderman Homecoming

For years and across nearly every medium, Peter Parker has been known as one of the most likable of Marvel’s superheroes. A genuine hero who does what he does out of a sense of responsibility, he’s never afraid to talk during a fight, and tries to balance living a superhero live with not disappointing his loved ones.

The MCU version is no different, with Tom Holland’s performance showing a genuine charisma under a layer of shyness and difficulty managing his dual-lives as a hero and a civilian. Almost every Avenger finds themselves at least somewhat amused by Peter when they meet him, and he charmed fans from his first appearance in the trailers for Captain America: Civil War.

NEXT: 10 Things The MCU Does Perfectly

Captain Marvel and Ant Man MCU

MCU: 5 Characters On Scarlet Witch’s Level (& 5 Nowhere Close)

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