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10 Monstrosity Type Creatures That Will Challenge Any Party


One of the most Common Monster Types,  the Monstrosity creature types is a DM’s bread and butter in Dungeons and Dragons.

Monstoristy type monsters are perhaps some of the more unique and versatile monsters. They usually encompass any monster that is the result of magical experiments or magical curses in some way. The 5th edition SRD serves as a “catch-all” type of monster for those that do not fit in the other categories of creature types.

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This allows for Montoristy to vary wildly and create some memorable and devastating monsters for players to face.  Some are more recognizable, much like the Owlbear. However, other Monstrosities are a challenge that will engage the player characters in whatever evil encounter the Dungeon Master has planned.

10 Hook Horror- An Imposing Creature That Looks Like A Vulture And A Beetle Combined

A Hook Horror Fighting a Dwarf In Dungeons and Dragons

The Hook Horror is a prime example of either a failed or successful Wizard experiment.  They are common monsters along the cliffside or regions within the Underdark. They communicate by striking their hook claws against their exoskeleton and live in large clans with a matriarchal leader.

Having a Hook Horror in a campaign is an excellent way to frighten a low-level party. These monsters can use their echolocation to find their prey vary easily. Not the most challenging monster on its own, it is best to use 4-7 of these monsters in an encounter where a Hook Horror Hunting party entraps the players.

9 Yeti- The Terror Of The Tundra

A Yeti Carrying it's latest kill in Dungeons and Dragons

Yetis are the go-to monster for any campaign that takes place on a snowy mountain or tundra. This monstrosity often stands between 8ft-15ft tall. They are also known for a terrifying howl where an avalanche usually follows.

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The Yeti boasts a cold immunity, a snowy camouflage to sneak up on their prey, and a chilling gaze. If the player character fails, they are paralyzed with fear. Though the Yeti fears fire, this monstrosity will be an excellent surprise for any party traveling through the Tundra.

8 Bulette Can Turn A Simple Walk Into A Fight For Survival

Bulette emergeing from the earth in Dungeons and Dragons

Coined as “Land Sharks” In the Monster Manual, the Bulette is a dangerous Monstrosity to encounter. They exist for one purpose and one purpose only; to eat anything in their path. They are cross between a snapping turtle and an armadillo to burrow through the ground with ease.

Since they have no regard for their own safety regarding strength or numbers, they will attack the party indiscriminately and will not retreat until they are either dead or they have eaten the entire party. Then, they have a devastating leap where the targeted create can take bludgeoning and slashing damage from the Bulette.

7 Kruthik Hive Lord- The Worst Bug Infestation Anyone Could Have In The Forgotten Realms

Kruthik minions patrolling their caves In Dungeons and Dragons

As Mordenkainen puts in Mordenkainen’s Tome Of Foes, “Imagine a hove of ants the size of horses, but the ants are wearing armor.”  Kruthik’s are perhaps one of the more devastating monsters to encounter cause players may likely only find them in a massive hive being ruled by the Kruthik Hive Lord.

This Monstrosity has a 20 armor class, three different movement speeds, works better in large packs, has close and long-range attacks, and to top it off. The Hive Lord can shoot an acid spray, destroying a small group of adventures. Best to have many fireballs when dealing with this monstrosity.

6 Rust Monster- The Unsuspecting Monster That Will Devastate The Party’s Weapons Rather Than Them

A Wizard encountering some Rust Monsters in Dungeons and Dragons

Appearing to look like a Giant tick more than anything else, the Rust Monster may look terrifying but is generally weaker than most of the other Montrosities on this list. What makes the Rust Monster more challenging to an adventuring party is its ability to destroy almost any weapon the party has.

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When a non-magical weapon strikes the Rust Monster that weapon takes on a -1 penalty to all rolls after the. If the Penalty drops to -5, the weapon is destroyed. The Rust Monster also applies this effect as an attack against armor characters are wearing. Looks harmless, but this monstrosity is a terror to any martial class.

5 Roper- The Absolute Worst Monstrosity To Find While Exploring A Cave

Fjord from Critcal Role Fighting a Roper From Dungeons and Dragons

Ropers are a terrifying Monstrosity as they can disguise themselves to look like cave stalagmites and attack any unsuspecting party. The Exist Primarily in caves consists of 6 tendrils, one eye, and a large sharp mouth to eat their prey.

A devastating attribute is that it can hold up to six targets at once with its tendrils. Each Tendril not only grapples the target but imposes a disadvantage on their strength, saving throws and restrains the target, essentially making them helpless in escaping. This is a Monstrosity that haunts players to this day.

4 The Lost- A Twisted Abomination That One Would Never Wish To Cross Paths With

The Lost Stuck in the Shadowfell in DUngeons and Dragons

The Lost are monstrosities hailing from the Shadowfell. These creatures are formed from representations of anxiety and fear. A sad fact about these monstrosities is that they try to embrace any creature they can see but immediately flood the creature with feelings of fear and anxiety. Nevertheless, at the same time, the afflicted creature is also being stabbed in the process.

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Their strategy includes them trying to embrace anyone they can see. Then after that target dies from psychic damage, they move on to the next creature they want to hug. As sad as this monstrosity is, it can provide a unique encounter for players to engage in as they try to play keep-away with this monster.

3 Deep Crow- A Crow That Is Born Of Nightmare Fuel

A Deep Crow from Dungeons and Dragons

The Deep Crow comes from the Acquisition Incorbperated sourcebook. Though not entirely original to D&D, it has since cemented itself as a terrifying monstrosity. It looks like a massive crow from a distance, but up close, one can see its massive insectoid maw, four clawed feet, and a cluster of red eyes.

On Its Own, it is a freakish Monstrosity that uses a combination of its claws and mandibles to slash and grapple its foes. An ancient version of the Deep Crow also adds legendary actions and a devastating ability called Shadow Caw that reverberates as an ear-splitting caw.

2 Ironscale Hydra Is The Next Level Of Hydra

The Ironscale Hydra From Magic the gathering and Dungeons and Dragons

While a Hydra can be a terrifying monster in its own right, the Ironscale Hydra is a more befitting version of the Greek mythos monster. This is likely because The Ironscale Hydra comes from the Mythic Odessey Of Theros sourcebook that Greek Mythos inspired.

The Ironscale Hydra has the devastating multiple heads feature that allows it to take as many reactions as it has headed for opportunity attacks. Thus being anywhere near a hydra with all five heads is a bad idea. To top this off, the Ironscale Hydra also has acidic blood, so when it has stuck with a martial weapon, the target may get hit with acid damage. A formidable foe, to say the least.

1 Gray Render- Either The Most Dangerous Monstroisy Or The Most Powerful Pet An Adventurer Could Have

Gray Render roaring in Dungeons and Dragons

These massive and destructive monstrosities are one of the most aggressive monstrosities to exists. They are ruthless in their pursuit to destroy whoever stands in their way. They appear almost like giant bears but with the gray skin and the strength of an elephant.

While this creature is somewhat basic in its abilities and actions, one unique attribute of a Gray Render is that they have an overwhelming need to bond with one Intelligent creature. Thus they could be a ferocious companion to the BBEG, or they could serve as the Adventuring Party’s pet. A dangerous and destructive pet but a pet nonetheless.

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