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10 Longest Cutscenes In Video Games, Ranked


In the 21st century, video games have developed from arcade entertainment to almost cinematic works of art. Due to technological improvements, developers can create cutscene sequences that give players the feeling that they’re embodying characters in a movie.

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Many players have different opinions about long cutscenes in their video games. Just how many cutscenes are too many? These incredibly lengthy in-game sequences can either engage players or make them doze off.

10 Metal Gear Solid 4 Holds The Guinness World Record For Longest Cutscene Sequence

Metal Gear Solid 4 holds the Guinness World Record for Longest Cutscene in a Video Game, with a whopping 71 minutes of uninterrupted cutscenes. The series of cutscenes in question is titled “Epilogue” and explains the events after the game’s conclusion.

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There is also another 27-minute long cutscene present in Metal Gear Solid 4. Hideo Kojima is known for creating a cinematic feel in the Metal Gear Solid games, so it’s no surprise that his games have a lot of cinematic sequences.

9 Star Ocean: The Last Hope Has 46-Minute Long Cutscene

A screenshot from Star Ocean The Last Hope.

Star Ocean: The Last Hope is a 2009 Square Enix role-playing game that serves as a prequel to the original Star Ocean. The Last Hope is the fourth installment in the Star Ocean game franchise and is full of lengthy cutscenes. The longest clocks in at around 46 minutes. It introduces the final battle and occurs just before the game ends. Square Enix is no stranger to long and plentiful cutscenes. Many gamers might be familiar with the sheer number of them in Final Fantasy games.

8 Death Stranding Has Around Seven Hours Total Of Cutscenes

Death Stranding is a 2019 action game developed by Kojima Productions. Norman Reedus, best recognized for his role as Daryl Dixon in The Walking Dead, plays the lead protagonist in the game, along with appearances by other big names in the acting industry. Like most Hideo Kojima games, Death Stranding is full of cutscenes. The turning point of Death Stranding takes place at around two hours into the game and the longest sequence without player inputs is a whopping 31 minutes long. The game is well-reviewed, either in spite of or because of its extended film sequences.

7 Xenosaga Has Around 500 Cutscenes Across Its Three Episodes

A gameplay still from Xenosaga

Xenosaga is an RPG divided into three episodes and published by Namco, with its first entry in 2002 and its latest entry in 2006. Xenosaga is another franchise that is not afraid to include many cutscenes throughout its installments. Through its three episodes, the game presents around 500 cutscenes to its players. The longest cutscene in the series is 25 minutes long and occurs towards the end of the third episode. Despite the number of cutscenes, Xenosaga has an 8.8 rating on IGN and scored 83 percent on MetaCritic.

6 Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater Has A 25-Minute Debriefing Scene

Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater Snake Crouching

It’s probably not a huge surprise to see the Metal Gear Solid franchise’s name again, given Hideo Kojima’s love for screening short films inside of his games. Another lengthy cinematic sequence occurs in Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater, predating Metal Gear Solid 4’s notable hour-long cutscene.

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The debriefing scene in the game lasts around 25 minutes, making it one of the longest cutscenes in the franchise. Another competitor is the 20-minute ending for Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty. 

5 Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Has A 33-Minute Ending

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is the third Xenoblade Chronicles and seventh entry in the Xeno series by Monolith Soft and Nintendo for the Nintendo Switch. The Xenoblade games are notorious for their lengthy cutscenes, but Xenoblade Chronicles 2 takes the prize for the longest sequences. The game’s ending scene totals around 24 minutes, and if players watch the credits and post-credits scene, it clocks in at 33 minutes. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a favorite among games despite its long cutscenes and continues to be a best-seller.

4 Final Fantasy VI Has One Of The Longest Cut Scenes In The Franchise

SNES Final Fantasy VI Air Ship Crew

Another familiar face in the annals of long cutscenes is Square Enix’s Final Fantasy franchise. The longest cutscene in this series is during a fan favorite, Final Fantasy VI. Final Fantasy VI is beloved by fans of the franchise for its outstanding music and immersive plot. The cutscene clocks in at around 23 minutes. It occurs during the final boss battle, where players face Kefka for the fifth time. While the credits run, the story continues in the background, in a way forcing the players to read the credits if they want to complete the story.

3 Yakuza 2 Floods Players With Cutscenes At The Beginning

Yakuza Kiwami 2 Clan Creator

Yakuza 2 is the sequel to Sega’s 2006 action-adventure PS2 game, Yakuza. The Yakuza games are very cutscene forward, which could pose a nuisance to some players. Players are forced to sit through around an hour of cutscenes at the beginning of Yakuza 2 with short installments of gameplay in between them. The longest single cutscene is around 23 minutes long. These long cutscenes can be tedious, especially when they occur during the game’s introduction, making a bad first impression on a lot of players.

2 Kingdom Hearts Union X Is Mobile Kingdom Hearts Game

Kingdom Hearts Union X Game

Kingdom Hearts Union X is a mobile game for iOS and Android devices and was released in 2016. The game itself has undergone many title changes, like its first title of Kingdom Hearts Unchained X. The game is set prior to the events of the original Kingdom Hearts and follows a Keyblade-wielder from Daybreak Town.  

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While long video game cutscenes often occur as an introduction of the game’s ending, this 15-minute sequence occurs midway through the game. Square Enix shut down online services for Kingdom Hearts Union X in June 2021.

1 Freedom Planet Takes Only Four Hours To Complete

Freedom Planet video game

Freedom Planet is a lesser-known 2D platform game released in 2014. The game draws inspiration from the Sonic the Hedgehog games. The main story of Freedom Planet takes only around four hours to complete but is still packed with cutscenes. The longest cutscene occurs when the dragon protagonist, Lilac, meets the basset hound, Milla. It lasts around 13 minutes but this portion of the game can be beaten in even less time. Freedom Planet also contains a lot of dialogue, which could bore some players.

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