With the release of Eternals, the Marvel Cinematic Universe introduces a new team of superheroes with a difficult mission to accomplish and complex origins. Originally, the Eternals believe they have to protect humanity from the deviants, but things are a little more complicated than that. Their duty is in fact to facilitate the Emergence of the Celestial Tiamut, who is growing in the core of Earth.
The complex nature of their mission puts the team in a bad position. By the time Eternals is over, several Eternals are dead, lose their abilities, or are taken captive by Arishem. The sequel will probably deal with fixing that, but the team would likely benefit from some reinforcements. Many immortal movie beings may actually be good additions to the team and could hold their own against the deviants and Arishem alike.
10 Dracula Is The Most Well-Known Immortal In The World (Various Series)
The legend of Dracula stems from the legend of the Wallachian voivode Vlad the Impaler, but in fiction, he’s very different from his historical equivalent. A vampire who craves blood as sustenance, Dracula boasts a huge number of abilities that vary in each individual movie or series. Traditional skills include shapeshifting into bat, mist or wolf, commanding the weather, and the ability to walk in daylight.
Dracula has been both a villain and an antihero, and his complex nature would make him a perfect Eternal. He would likely not have any qualms in going through the mission from Arishem, as long as the people he cared about were spared. If Dracula were part of the team and took Ikaris’ side, Sersi may have failed to stop the Emergence.
9 Galadriel’s Power And Wisdom Could Make Her A Stronger Leader Than Sersi (The Lord Of The Rings)
The Lady of Lothlorien, Galadriel is one of the most powerful characters in The Lord of the Rings and has lived over eight thousand years. She is originally a pupil of the Valar Yavanna and Aule and is the guardian of the Ring of Water Nenya. Her power is only matched by her determination, as evidenced by her meeting with Frodo in The Lord of the Rings.
Despite craving the One Ring, Galadriel manages to resist the temptation of claiming it. Her gift of light rescues Frodo when he is captured by the monster Shelob, and her presence even enchants the reluctant dwarf Gimli. A wise and noble leader, she is in some ways similar to Ajak. One thing is certain, Galadriel would be a far stronger leader than Sersi.
8 Immortals Like Connor MacLeod Were Said To Be Aliens (Highlander)
Born in the 16th century, Highlander‘s Connor MacLeod becomes immortal after his first death, but pays a heavy price for his gift. Persecuted out of superstition and isolated from the rest of humanity, he also has to regularly fight others of his kind. Immortals can only die through decapitation, and when an immortal slays another, he goes through the Quickening – absorbing the power of his victim.
This is a little reminiscent of the way deviants absorb the power of Eternals. The similarities between the two concepts don’t stop there. Highlander 2: The Quickening depicts immortals are aliens from the planet Zeist. The sequel was so unpopular this origin story is no longer regarded as canon. Even so, Connor would still make a strong addition to the team of Eternals, his experience as a warrior making him a threat to any deviant.
7 The Vampire Selene Is Not Just Any Kind Of Undead (Underworld)
The protagonist of the movie series Underworld, Selene is sired by Elder vampire Victor. As a result, she’s superior to other vampires and utterly deadly in her activities as a Death Dealer. After she drinks the blood of the first immortal, Alexander Corvinus, her strength, speed, and durability improve even further. Now a hybrid vampire, Selene can stand in the sunlight and is much more powerful than before. The deviants wouldn’t stand a chance against her.
6 Peter Pan Is Said To Originate From Sprite (Peter Pan)
Eternals references other movies and franchises several times. While a memorable case is Ikaris’ comparison to Superman, the most important is Sprite being compared to Tinkerbell. In the comics, the eternally young Sprite is actually the inspiration for Peter Pan. The movie changes due to Sprite being female instead of male, but the original concept remains. With Sprite turning human after Eternals, maybe the actual Peter Pan could join the team in her place.
5 The Young Vampire Claudia Is Stuck In A Childlike Body (Interview With A Vampire)
When it comes to eternally childlike immortals, few characters are as striking as Claudia. While the book version of the character is five, she is played by eleven years old Kirsten Dunst in Interview with a Vampire. Just like Sprite, Claudia struggles a lot with her existence in a childlike body. She even attempts to murder her maker, Lestat, unhappy with what he has done to her.
Her rebellion ends poorly, as she is eventually executed, both her existence as a child vampire and her attack on Lestat harsh crimes against vampire customs. She may have had a better fate if she’d joined the team of Eternals and her mental maturity had been treated with respect.
4 Duncan Idaho Lives Forever Through His Gholas (Dune)
There’s more than one way to be immortal. Dune’s Duncan Idaho learns that the hard way. A loyal swordsman of House Atreides, he sacrifices himself in battle, defeating several of the Emperor’s Sardaukar to secure the escape of Paul and Jessica Atreides. Denis Villeneuve’s Dune Book One doesn’t depict his future fate, but in the books, Duncan’s body is retrieved and turned into a ghola, a form of clone created by the Bene Tleilax. Despite the fact that he originally has no memories of his past life, he eventually remembers, guided by his loyalty to House Atreides.
Duncan’s experience is very similar to what Eternals go through every Emergence. After they complete their mission, they die and are reborn with their minds erased, kept from being completely killed by their connection with the Celestials. Duncan doesn’t have any supernatural abilities like the Eternals, but his constant cycle of rebirth and incredible skill as a fighter make him a strong contender for the Eternals’ team.
3 Deadpool Can Regenerate From Any Injury (Deadpool)
In Eternals, Ajak’s primary skill consists in healing and regeneration. That doesn’t help her much when she actually has to fight the deviants. Deadpool wouldn’t have that problem. His regeneration factor is so powerful, he can grow back his entire body if he is torn to pieces.
Deadpool has suffered grievous wounds on numerous occasions, but has always come back. At the same time, he is highly skilled in martial arts, swordplay, and marksmanship. This is one immortal being who wouldn’t easily fall to the deviants.
2 Maleficent Is An Immortal Fairy Out For Revenge (Maleficent)
Played by Angelina Jolie, the Eternal Thena is a stand-out in Eternals, particularly through her struggle with the illness Mahd Wy’ry. But Thena isn’t the only immortal character Jolie has played. In Maleficent, she stars as the main lead, the classical Disney villain turned antihero Maleficent. Originally a good fairy, Maleficent is betrayed by Stefan, the human she befriended as a child and later fell in love with.
In a bid for power, Stefan attacks her and cuts off her wings, which earns him the throne of the kingdom. After that, Maleficent turns the Moors into a land of darkness and curses Stefan’s daughter Aurora to eternal slumber. She later finds redemption in her love for Aurora, and her nuanced character and amazing powers make her perfectly suited to be an Eternal.
1 Doctor Manhattan Is Practically A God (Watchmen)
Many Eternals, like Thena or Makkari, are associated with gods. Though in the Eternals’ case, Sprite’s illusions often play a role, they’re not the only immortal beings to go through such experiences. DC’s Doctor Manhattan has many times been compared to a deity.
Originally the nuclear physicist Jonathan Osterman, he is ripped to pieces in a radioactive particle test, only to reappear as an almost omnipotent being. Some of Doctor Manhattan’s powers include time travel, precognition, and dimensional travel, but he is also capable of destroying and creating realities. More than an Eternal, he may very well be a Celestial.
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