Much like Film and TV, it is much easier for a Video Game company to remaster an old property than to come up with an original product. But some remasters happened far too close to the original release. Any company in entertainment knows it is a lot safer and often more financially viable to remake something that was already successful in hopes of making a decent amount on their return. Video game companies are no stranger to this practice, often recreating or remastering older successful titles, much like Final Fantasy VII.
However, video game companies will often remaster a video game that has only been around for a couple of years, sometimes due to new console generation releases, but more often due to wanting to capitalize on that success from the first release.
10 Assassin’s Creed: The Ezio Collection Is Arguably Worse Than The Orginal
This narrative of the Assassin’s Creed’s character Ezio Auditore da Firenze spans three separate titles. The most notable is Assassin’s Creed II, which was released 9 years before this collection. This collection was Ubisoft’s way to capitalize on one of their most popular characters in one of their biggest series.
The collection itself, though, had received some negative press as the “graphical enhancements” either did not add much or made it look worse than the original Assassin’s Creed II.
9 Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection- Treasure Hunting Has Never Looked So Good
Sony is one of the biggest offenders when it comes to HD remasters. Nonetheless, they put out a great remaster of the first three Uncharted titles in the Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection.
This trilogy, released on the Playstation 4, provides a few graphical enhancements and reworking of the cover system allows for a much more enhanced experience. However, this remaster focuses more on the gameplay improvements than major graphic improvements, and it pays off in spades.
8 Marvel’s Spiderman Remastered- The Most Recent Remaster In Recent Times
Since the Playstation 5’s introduction, a string of PlayStation 4 titles have “upgraded” to the Playstation 5 for improved graphical performance. The most notable in these titles would be Marvel’s Spiderman Remastered.
Marvel’s Spiderman was released in 2018 and gardened a Remaster in 2020 that brought in 60 FPS gameplay, RTX capabilities, and Dualsense Controller support. All of these combined make for an even richer Spiderman experience on the Playstation 5.
7 Dark Souls: Remastered- Prepare To Die Just Like The First Time
It is hard not to talk about Dark Souls’s impact on several different games this past decade. So with Dark Souls first releasing in 2011, it made sense that roughly 7 years later, Namco Bandi Games would make a Remaster for the previous generation.
When Dark Souls: Remastered was released, though, FromSoftware had already released Dark Souls II, Bloodbourne, and Dark Souls 3. Each of those titles improved on the Dark Souls’ gameplay design, so it came off as somewhat archaic when the remaster came out.
6 Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Needed To Be Rereleased Because No One Bought The Wii-U
Mario Kart 8 was first released on the Wii-U in 2014. Arguably it is an amazing title for its generation and was highly regarded as one of the best Mario Kart games to date. The only problem was that the game was a Wii-U exclusive, which was a notoriously bad console for Nintendo.
Thus when the Nintendo Switch was released, it only made sense for Nintendo to release Mario Kart 8 as Mario Kart 8 Deluxe. The remaster sported all of the previous DLC and 1080p support.
5 Resident Evil 4 HD- Just As Horrifying as Before But Now In HD
The Popularity of Resident Evil 4 had brought Resident Evil out of the basement of survival horror when it was released in 2005. Simply put, this unique installment elevated the series. Resident Evil 4 brought in this combination of Action and Horror that had not really be capitalized until Resident Evil 4.
Naturally, the game received an HD remaster in 2011. However, not much had changed in terms of the gameplay. The game did receive a much stronger graphical fidelity though not much else was added on.
4 Batman: Return to Arkham- Enjoy The Misery Of Gotham In HD
The Batman Arkham series is largely regarded as one of the best superhero video game series and arguably is one of the best renditions of Batman in media. It is astonishing to how long it took to create the Batman: Arkham Asylum. That game alone is a large reason for the series’s popularity as a whole.
It is easy to see why this title, along with Batman: Arkham City, got a full HD to remaster for the latest console generation. Though it received largely mixed reviews, it still stands as a notable game series to this day.
3 God of War III Remastered- People Enjoy Killing Gods
Kratos has been a staple of video game characters and the titular character of the God Of War series. He has always been the brutal, destructive, and vengeful god on his path of revenge. God Of War III is the prime example of Kratos’s vengeance.
The original game was released in 2010, and the remastered version was released on Playstation 4 in 2015. God Of War III Remastered is a prime example of why companies do remaster. This remastered title was the 7th best-selling game on the Playstation Store.
2 The Last Of Us Remastered- The Post Apocolayes Looks Pretty In HD
The Last Of Us was an impressive game when it was first released. Naughty Dog’s take on a post-apocalyptic journey had heart, intense action, and tight gameplay to round out an incredible story.
The game was initially released on Playstation 3. However, it was released right at the tail end of the PlayStation 3 console generation. Thus, The Last Of Us Remastered was released on PlayStation 4 in 2014 with improved framerate and graphics.
1 Grand Theft Auto V- Buy It Again And Again
Perhaps one of the more egregious instances of a quick turnaround for an HD remaster is none other than Rockstar’s Grand Theft Auto V. The game was first released on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 in 2013. And on its own, it was an amazing game.
The “remastered” version of the game had enhanced textures, improved framerate, and a widely popular first-person mode. The Remastered version was released a year later in 2014 on PC, Xbox One, PlayStation 4. The original game was not even cold by the time the remaster hit shelves.
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