There are times when villains are terrible monsters, committing atrocities willy nilly. This is pretty common- these are often people who feel justified in taking their pain out on everyone else. DC’s villains are a diverse lot and their motivations are manifold but some of them actually make a pretty good point.
These intimidating villains often have reasons that make a twisted kind of sense and while their actions are quite reprehensible, it’s hard to argue with the motivations behind those actions.
10 Darkseid Is Right- Most People Would Be Happier Under His Complete Control
Darkseid is one of the greatest villains in comics and his central mission isn’t nihilistic nonsense, like Thanos over at Marvel, but something that actually has a smidgeon of truth to it. Darkseid desires the Anti-Life Equation so that he can have complete control of every being in the universe. While this is terrible, when it comes right down to it, there are plenty of people who would much rather live this way.
So many people would be much happier with every choice taken away and their lives completely under the control of one all-powerful force, with the whole of society working towards one goal.
9 The Joker Was Right In The Killing Joke- Though His Actions Were Horrific
Writer Alan Moore and artist Brian Bolland’s Batman: The Killing Joke has its pros and cons but it’s actually hard to argue with the Joker’s logic. His whole point was that if anyone had a bad enough day, they could turn into him and while Gordon was able to not fall into that trap, many people would have snapped in similar circumstances.
That doesn’t excuse any of the Joker’s actions or say that he’s justified, but most people would crack after a bad enough day. That sort of thing happens a lot in real life- people are pushed past their breaking point and do something terrible.
8 Ra’s al Ghul Is Right- The World Is Nearing Overpopulation
Ra’s al Ghul is one of the most dangerous immortals on the planet but his logic is pretty sound. Over the years, al Ghul has tried to depopulate the Earth with many different methods and while genocide is never a good thing, it’s hard to argue with the logic behind his actions. His whole point is that the only way to save the Earth is by the vast majority of humanity disappearing.
This is actually scarily prescient in a world that gets closer and closer to the carbon tipping point. While his methods are monstrous, he’s not exactly wrong.
7 Sinestro’s Mania For Order Takes Him To Dark Places
Sinestro is obsessed with order as only a fascist could be- to the extent he’ll commit terrible atrocities to ensure it- but that doesn’t mean that fighting for order is a bad thing. In fact, most of human history can be seen as trying to wrest order from chaos. Even nature itself is rather orderly, as the food chain and even natural disasters all work together to promote life.
Sinestro, like most fascists, goes way too far with his obsession and believes that the only way to ensure order is fear. This is his fundamental mistake and it takes a being who could be a great hero and twists him into something terrible.
6 Flashpoint Batman Was Right To Support Bane In His Plans
When it was revealed Flashpoint Batman was on Bane’s side in his plans to destroy Batman, it was honestly surprising- sure he was a bit more of a brutal Batman than his alternate Earth son, but him teaming up with one of his son’s greatest enemies was a shock. However, once it was revealed why he did it- because he wanted Bruce to stop being Batman and live- it was a lot more altruistic than it seemed.
Thomas is completely right- being Batman is a road to pain and suffering. Him wanting his son to stop and going to any length to get him to is almost noble and would be more of a heroic act if it wasn’t for the actions he supported to get to his goal.
5 Two-Face’s Extremes Of Morality Aren’t Too Far Fetched
Two-Face is often portrayed as a villain because of the extremes of his morality- his world is entirely black and white and it’s all decided by a coin flip. While the random nature of his violence is abhorrent, the fact of the matter is that black and white do exist in the world- there’s good and there’s evil. That’s an incontrovertible fact.
Two-Face doesn’t deal with it in the best ways and while he’s been known to reform, he always ends up a villain again because he can’t deal with the fact that grey also exists.
4 General Zod Is Right- The Remnants Of Kyrpton Do Deserve A Home
General Zod’s whole thing is building a new home for the displaced people of Krypton and he’ll go to any lengths to make that happen. That’s the problem because it’s hard to argue against giving people without a home a home. The survivors of Krypton do deserve to have another world, they just don’t deserve to take one from someone else.
Zod’s evil comes from the fact that he’ll do anything, including kill everyone on Earth, to achieve his goals. He’s a supremacist, so he can’t abide by living with others he perceives as “weak”, but just the fact that he wants his people to have a home isn’t bad.
3 During Zero Hour, Parallax Was Right To Try And Reboot The Multiverse
Zero Hour is basically the forgotten Crisis and Hal Jordan as Parallax was behind it all. He wanted to reset the universe and use his powers to recreate the Multiverse. This would allow all of the lost versions of characters to have homes and lives again, as well as bring back everyone who was erased when the Multiverse contracted into one universe.
While it would have restarted everything, it’s hard to argue with the altruism behind his actions. He just wanted everything that ever existed to always have existed and have a home. That’s actually very noble.
2 Lex Luthor’s Right About Humanity Depending Too Much On Superheroes
While so much of what Lex Luthor says about his motives is just self-aggrandizement, the fact of the matter is he’s not exactly wrong about humans depending too much on the powers and innovations of superhumans. They do all the work- they save the day, they solve the problems, they create the best inventions.
Humanity has only survived for so long because of its ability to adapt on a large scale and overcome difficulties that spelled doom for species of lesser intelligence. Depending on someone else to do all the heavy lifting will cause ossification and lead to humanity getting weaker.
1 Poison Ivy Is Right About Humans Being Terrible For The Natural World
Poison Ivy’s whole thing is to be the righteous avenger of the Green. She commits crimes in order to fund her war against humanity and its destructive practices against plants. Her supposition that plants need protection from humanity is a hundred percent accurate; humanity cares more about short-term gain than protecting the lungs of the planet.
Ivy is completely correct. There’s no quibbling about it- humans will destroy the planet without even realizing it until it’s too late. Her quest is a noble one, it’s just her methods that are not the best way to go about things.
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