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10 DC Characters Who Need To Retire


DC has been telling stories for over eighty years, with many of its respected heroes continually adventuring since then. While they’ve found all kinds of ways to rationalize the fact that these men and women are still fighting the good fight against the most intimidating villains the Multiverse has to offer, with teams like the Justice Society, it can get to be a little much.

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At this point, there are a lot of heroes and villains who should just pack it in. There are already people that can replace them and while retiring might take them out of the spotlight, it doesn’t mean their story is over.

10 It Might Be Time For Clark Kent To Hang Up His Cape

Superman and the Authority feature

Superman is one of DC’s biggest icons but there doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve a break. Clark Kent has been fighting the good fight for a very long time at this point and as great as he still is, now’s a perfect time for him to retire. He has the perfect replacement, his son Jon.

Jon has taken up the mantle of Superman and while the DC Multiverse is certainly big enough for two Supermen, it’s about time for Clark to retire and enjoy his life with his wife Lois. He can still dust off the old red and blues for big cosmic calamities but as far as active Superman-ing, Jon can do that.

9 Hal Jordan Doesn’t Really Need To Play An Active Role In The Green Lanterns Anymore

Hal Jordan has always been considered one of the greatest Green Lanterns ever but that doesn’t mean he can’t retire, at least from active duty. Jordan has been through a lot in his years with the Corps and he needs a break. He has an entire life outside of the Green Lantern Corps that has been neglected and there are plenty of Green Lanterns to replace him.

Jordan could take on a training role on Oa, imparting his wisdom to new generations of Green Lanterns. This would still allow him to have a way of staying active without being on field duty and let him still get some ring time.

8 Maxwell Lord Needs To Pack It In

Since his reveal as a villain in Countdown To Infinite Crisis, Maxwell Lord has been trying to police the metahumans of the DC Universe, but his idea of policing them is either putting them under his control or killing them. Luckily for the world, he’s pretty much been unsuccessful, which should have taught him that it’s time to pack it in.

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As a villain, Maxwell Lord is a huge disappointment. While he was never exactly the most efficient man in the DC Universe, at least he was a successful businessman and his time with the JLI showed he could blunder his way to success sometimes. As a villain, he’s completely ineffectual and should definitely pack it in.

7 Mister Freeze Doesn’t Need To Be A Criminal Anymore

Mister Freeze has a reputation as one of Batman’s most tragic villains. He’s spent years trying to cure his wife Nora, committing crimes to secure funding and equipment. He was finally able to cure her with help from Lex Luthor during the Year Of The Villain event but she spurned him, wanting to do her own thing. Without the impetus of his wife’s illness, Mister Freeze should retire.

He has no reason to keep going with his life of crime. If he likes the excitement so much, he could do what a lot of other Batman villains have done and reform. There’s no doubt that Bruce Wayne couldn’t find a place for him at Wayne Enterprises if he was serious about reforming.

6  Ra’s al Ghul Has A Superior Replacement In His Daughter

Ra’s al Ghul is one of the most dangerous immortals on the planet but it’s about time he thought about quitting. Over the years, al Ghul has repeatedly failed to make any kind of headway in his plans to destroy most of mankind to save the Earth or any of his other schemes. He needs to realize that it’s time to give it all up.

Talia is a much better steward of his legacy than he is and has forged the League of Assassins into a vital instrument in the world of covert operations. Ra’s al Ghul’s time is completely over and he needs to realize it.

5 Bruce Wayne Has Reached A Place Where He Can Hang Up The Cowl

Catwoman hugs Batman

It’s weird to think of Bruce Wayne giving up the mantle of Batman but it’s honestly time. He’s lost most of his fortune, Luke Fox is out there as Batman proving he can reliably take up the role, billionaire Dick Grayson is using his inheritance from Alfred in better ways than Bruce ever used his money, and Damian has what it takes to pick up a lot of slack.

The Bat-Family is well oiled machine at this point and Bruce Wayne really doesn’t need to venture out as Batman anymore. He can just hang out with Selina, train and mentor the others, and basically finally enjoy life as much as he can.

4 Alan Scott May Look Young But He Is Well Past Retirement Age

Alan Scott Green Lantern Infinite Frontier

The power of the Starheart keeps Alan Scott young but the man has been fighting evil since World War II. Most of his friends in the Justice Society are dead and while he really doesn’t have very much else besides superheroing at this point, he does have some very important things, namely his children Jade and Obsidian and a newfound freedom from coming out as gay.

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Alan Scott barely knows who he is outside of being Green Lantern and needs time to find himself. He’s been going non-stop for decades and now would be a perfect time to retire. He can still mentor his children and the younger members of the JSA but he doesn’t need to be an active hero.

3 Lex Luthor Needs To Learn His Lesson And Stop

Lex Luthor has had an interesting few years, becoming a hero, trying to help Perpetua take over the Multiverse, and losing his stature in the villainous community to the Batman Who Laughs. He genuinely seemed to enjoy doing good while he a hero and he constantly fails as a villain.

Lex Luthor is a smart man. He needs to realize that his life as a villain is pretty useless and that it’s time for him to stop. Luthor can do way more the world as an industrialist, using his brain to show the world that a human is better than a metahuman in a constructive way.

2 Director Bones Is Superfluous

Director Bones monitors the Multiverse in DC's latest ad for upcoming series.

After a stint as a villain and then with Infinity Inc., Bones joined the D.E.O. and rose to the rank of director. This put him in a position of power in the government but it always felt superfluous because his job seemed to be exactly the same as Amanda Waller’s. Waller was also way better at her job than Bones was.

Bones isn’t a very good director of the D.E.O., as evidenced in Infinite Frontier, where he made a deal with Darkseid of all people to protect the Earth from the next Crisis event. Bones has never been very good at his job in comparison to others and needs to be put out to pasture.

1 Barry Allen Can Fade Away Now That Wally West Is Back

Flash Barry Allen

Barry Allen defined what it meant to be the Flash and is one of the greatest heroes in the history of the DC Universe. When it comes right down to it though, he’s pretty much an inferior Flash to the newly redeemed and returned Wally West. With West back in the uniform, Barry Allen can do what he should have done a long time ago and retire.

Lost on an alternate Earth after Infinite Frontier, Barry Allen can finally give it all up once that’s all over. He can go back to police work and Iris and leave the Flash to someone better suited for it.

NEXT: 10 Times DC Dabbled In Horror

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