Within the canon of the DC Universe, few characters can stand toe-to-toe with Batman. For over 80 years, the Caped Crusader has enthralled audiences with his razor-sharp detective abilities, unparalleled combat prowess, and combat knowledge that are almost second to none.
In such a long and storied history, however, there have been a few instances of characters getting the better of him. While Bruce Wayne’s eternal alter-ego has proved time and time again that he is never to be counted out, there are times when all hope has appeared to be lost – and he has been pushed to the very edge of his breaking point.
10 Nightwing Proves That The Student Has Become The Master
Dick Grayson – the original Robin – has shown many times throughout his history that he is not only an equal to Batman in terms of intelligence but also combat abilities. His natural athletic agility is also far above what Bruce Wayne is capable of, and when it comes to personality – there is no competition.
It would be after Grayson had moved on from the Robin identity to his Nightwing alter-ego, however, that he would truly prove to have outgrown his master’s tutelage. The two have come to blows many times over the years, however, no victory would be as undisputed as the smackdown he lays down on Batman in Tim Seeley’s Nightwing #30.
9 Bronze Tiger Shows Batman Who The True Master Of Martial Arts Is
Proving himself to be one the greatest martial artist in the entire DC Universe; Bronze Tiger, managed to incapacitate Batman in Detective Comics #485 with a single kick – and in doing so sealed the fate of original Batwoman, Kathy Kane.
With Batman helpless – he hears Kathy’s scream from an adjacent room. After pulling himself back together, Batman realizes that he has been too late, and Kathy has been murdered by the League of Assassins while he was distracted. Not only did Bronze Tiger beat Batman physically, but he also added one more scar to his already damaged psyche.
8 Catwoman Beats Batman Many Times, Both Physically And Mentally
With any long-running on-again/off-again relationship there are bound to be road bumps along the way – especially when throwing the high-stress aspects of vigilantism into the mix. With both characters often on different sides of the law, it is no surprise that their time together has often been explosive.
While the two have fought many times throughout their history together, no such example was quite as shocking as in Batman #355. After Catwoman learned of Bruce’s relationship with Vicki Vale, she became enraged and attacked him – taking him by surprise and easily getting the best of the Bat. Managing to regain her senses before killing Batman once and for all, audiences got a glimpse of just how dangerous Catwoman truly is – and would continue to be going forwards.
7 Deathstroke Is An Unstoppable Killing Machine That Even Batman Has Trouble Dealing With
From his very first, explosive appearance in Marv Wolfman and George Pérez’s The New Teen Titans #2, Deathstroke has constantly been depicted as the deadliest assassin in the DC Universe. With a rap sheet as destructive as his, it wouldn’t be long until he came to blows with Batman himself, and the results have often been disastrous.
Managing to defeat the Dark Knight multiple times over the years, Deathstroke’s incredible combat abilities and super-human physicality and healing factor mean that he is a force to be reckoned with – and constantly depicted as being one of the most formidable opponents in all of DC Comics.
6 Swamp Thing Proves That Mother Nature Will Always Come Out On Top
During Alan Moore’s seminal run on Swamp Thing, audiences would be treated to a battle so epic in scale that only the master of comic books himself could pull it off. Taking on the city of Gotham in retaliation for his wife’s imprisonment; Swamp Thing contorts the city into a swampy wasteland that forces Batman to strike back in an attempt to save his home.
In a rare example of Batman being completely out of his depth, he is quickly shown to be no match for Swamp Thing and the nature under his control. A brilliant allegory to the man vs. nature and climate problems that the world was facing even back in 1986, this much-celebrated storyline still rings true and feels relevant to this very day.
5 Prometheus Shows Batman What It Is Like To Lose To Himself
Developed as the very opposite to Batman – Prometheus is a villain who can download his opponent’s fighting styles as he battles them. A stark juxtaposition to Batman’s lifelong pursuit of knowledge and physicality, this character’s ability to cheat and bypass that are as deadly as they are infuriating.
Prometheus has not only fought, and bested, multiple members of the Justice League, but has also managed to better Batman on multiple occasions – his frustrating and highly adaptable powers making him a formidable opponent, and one that Batman dreads having to encounter every time.
4 Ra’s Al Ghul Is An Eternal Thorn In The Dark Knight’s Side
One of the most constant foes in Batman’s rogue’s gallery – Ra’s al Ghul is not only an immortal killing machine but also forever linked to Bruce Wayne through the fact that he is the father of Talia al Ghul. If it wasn’t bad enough that one of Batman’s most sworn enemies is also the grandfather to his child, he is also a worthy advisory, more than capable of defeating the Dark Knight on multiple occasions.
Ra’s and his League of Assassins have attacked Batman and his allies many times over the years, however, it would be during the Tower of Babel storyline that he would be most successful. Not only was he successful in defeating Batman, but also in souring his image to the entire Justice League and planting everlasting, irreparable trust issues within the team.
3 Bane Breaks The Bat – Again And Again (And In More Ways Than One)
Bane’s breaking of Batman’s back during Knightfall not only solidified the character as one of the most dangerous adversaries in Batman history but also ushered in one of the longest-running status quo shifts in the title’s lifespan – however, Bane’s reign of terror was only just beginning.
During recent events, he was also responsible for the murder of Batman’s long-running friend, mentor, and confidant – Alfred Pennyworth. Responsible for not one, but two earth-shattering moments in the history of DC; Bane is one character that continues to pose a gigantic threat any time that he appears.
2 Superman Shows Batman Who The Most Powerful Character In DC Is
While Superman and Batman are shown as being extremely close and holding unlimited respect for one another – the two characters are strong, and oftentimes conflicting, personalities have brought them into battle on more than one occasion – often with Superman coming out on top.
Superman’s absolute decimation of Batman, The Flash, and Green Lantern in Justice League #2 goes to show just how easily that he can defeat his compatriots when let loose. While Batman may know the one true secret to defeating Superman – Bruce knows as well as anyone that a world without Superman would be a calamitous thing indeed.
1 The Joker Will Always Win As Long As He Is Still Alive
For as long as he has been around, chaos and death have always followed The Joker. While he has certainly managed to get the best of Batman during physical confrontations from time to time, it is his very continued existence and more cerebral attacks that have caused the Caped Crusader to constantly accept defeat.
From slaying those he cares about in A Death in the Family, to causing immeasurable suffering to them in The Killing Joke, or the all-out warfare let loose upon the streets of Gotham in Joker War – there must surely come a time when Batman will think that enough is enough. The great irony of The Joker is that one day, he will push Batman far enough for him to finally kill him, but in the proceeds end up securing that final, most important victory over the Bat after all.
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