My Hero Academia is an action-adventure shonen series that’s all about caped crimefighters and villains, and the combat system is defined primarily through Quirks. These supernatural gifts, wielded by heroes and villains alike, grant their users an astonishing variety of powers, from emitting fire to reading minds or speaking to animals.
Some My Hero Academia characters have the same powers as other popular shonen heroes, and that includes the basics such as fire, water, earth, and air. Avatar: The Last Airbender is a good example, where bending is similar to Quirks, and a variety of MHA characters could have been born as firebenders if these two franchises merged. That is, if the characters have what it takes to master fire.
10 Katsuki Bakugo Is A Born Firebender
A few My Hero Academia characters already use fire and heat with their Quirks, making them an obvious choice for becoming Firebenders. In another life, Katsuki Bakugo could have been born in the Fire Nation as a talented bender, and he would probably rival princess Azula herself.
Bakugo’s original Quirk, Explosion, is similar to the combustion variant of firebending, and Bakugo could easily master explosion bending and/or conventional firebending. Given his volatile attitude, though, he might struggle to lightningbend, as opposed to Azula and Mako.
9 Endeavor Is Another Born Firebender
The new #1 Pro Hero, the flaming Endeavor, is another obvious choice for retroactively turning My Hero Academia characters into Firebenders. Endeavor’s Quirk and fighting style are already fire-based, and he has the right attitude and spirit to be a powerful Firebender, for both good and ill.
In fact, fans can draw clear parallels between Endeavor and Fire Lord Ozai, and the Todoroki family is likely inspired by the Fire Nation royal family, except there is no Azula Todoroki. Fortunately, Shoto’s sister Fuyumi is gentle and kind, not a scheming tyrant.
8 Dabi Is Yet Another Born Firebender
The flame-based villain Dabi is the third major fire slinger in My Hero Academia, and he might have a connection with Shoto and Endeavor, in fact. In any case, Dabi ranks among the most powerful members of the League of Villains with his blue flame Quirk, unofficially known as Cremation.
Dabi is comfortable with his use of Cremation, and he can deal serious damage while also showing enough restraint to not destroy his own body in the process. He’s aggressive but smart, and that would make him an exemplary Firebender in the world of Avatar.
7 Spinner Burns With Resentment Toward Society
Being a Firebender is all about passion, energy and often anger, and some My Hero Academia characters would make great Firebenders even if their original Quirks aren’t related to fire or heat. One example is the lizard-like Spinner, a member of the League of Villains.
Spinner’s Quirk is not an Emitter type, but in another life, he could have been a Firebender, given his fierce dedication to the hero killer Stain and his aggressive combat style. Spinner burns with passion and longs to destroy his enemies, meaning he’s a Firebender deep down.
6 Muscular Is Seriously Aggressive
The musclebound villain called Muscular is tough, like an Earthbender, but he would more likely be born as a Firebender in the world of Avatar. He may be brawny and huge, but his fighting style is based on aggression and bloodlust, not endurance or defense.
That means Muscular is a Firebender at heart, and a villainous one at that. He could have ended up like Azula or Admiral Zhao himself, a wild and unrestrained bender who seeks only to dominate and destroy. He’d join the Fire Nation army as a dog of war.
5 Tenya Iida Is Intense & Passionate
The runner hero Tenya Iida could be born as anything but an Earthbender, given his emphasis on speed, agility and graceful kicks in battle. He has some elements of airbending and waterbending in him, to be sure, but his personality makes him more like a Firebender.
Tenya Iida is disciplined and studious like an Airbender, but he is also intense and reckless, and he’s more hotheaded than one might think. In addition, his rapid and aggressive attacks mark him as a potential Firebender, if he doesn’t end up reborn as an Airbender or Waterbender first.
4 Denki Kaminari Can Already Bend Lightning
The electric hero Denki Kaminari can control lightning with his Emitter-type Quirk, meaning he is already halfway to becoming a Firebender. It helps when Denki uses one of Mei Hatsume’s gadgets to aim his lightning to hit a target, such as the powerful Shiketsu student Seiji Shishikura.
Denki is a naturally aggressive and offense-oriented hero, even though he is also a kind and easygoing kid who lacks the malice and wrath of Azula or Zhao. His offense-oriented style would make it easy for him to swap his Quirk for firebending, if he so chose, and he would become stronger than ever.
3 Gunhead Emphasizes Offense In Battle
The Pro Hero known as Gunhead only appeared briefly in the story of My Hero Academia, but it’s already clear that he would make a fine Firebender in an alternate timeline. Gunhead is a scary but kind Pro Hero who always emphasizes offense in battle, including his ranged Quirk and his use of martial arts to take down foes at close range.
Gunhead’s fighting style and attitude would make him a decent Firebender in another life, but of course, he would still practice his unique Gunhead martial arts style to handle enemies who get too close. He wouldn’t rely entirely on his firebending in a fight.
2 Tiger Emphasizes Offense, Too
Tiger is the main offensive powerhouse of the Wild, Wild Pussycats rescue team, while the other three support him with telepathy or sensory Quirks. Tiger helped personally train Izuku Midoriya himself, showing Izuku how to handle advanced martial arts. Tiger was more than a match for Deku.
This emphasis on martial arts and offense means Tiger could have been born as a Firebender in another life, and Tiger would definitely use his fire-slinging gifts to defend justice and peace, rather than for conquest. Tiger would be an outspoken critic of Fire Lord Ozai and the Hundred-Year War.
1 Star And Stripe Will Crush Her Enemies By Any Means Necessary
Star and Stripe was the #1 American Pro Hero, and she took inspiration from All Might himself. Star and Stripe had a Quirk called New Order, which allows its wielder to create new rules for an object, living or not. Star and Stripe often used New Order to boost her own physical abilities and turn the items around her into weapons.
During her battle with Tomura Shigaraki, Star and Stripe used New Order to make a titanic avatar of herself and combine military-grade laser attacks into an earth-shattering lance of sheer destruction. It’s clear that in another life, she could have been born as a fierce but heroic Firebender who will do anything to triumph over evil. Her heart is on fire.
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