The magical world of Harry Potter has enthralled readers so much that it’s become an intrinsic part of childhood for many. Despite recent creative choices by the author, longtime fans still miss the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Most are so dedicated, they see themselves sorted into their own favorite Hogwarts House. The Hogwarts Houses are the students’ families during schooling, but also guide graduates in their subsequent lives and careers.
The social circles formed in their Hogwarts years never change and the House has a great deal of influence over what each individual student will become. To determine where the young wizards and witches will be placed, the Sorting Hat steals a look into their minds in their first year. But even the Sorting Hat can occasionally get things wrong, and some characters simply don’t suit their Houses.
10 Harry Potter Could Have Easily Gone Slytherin
In The Philosopher’s Stone, Harry Potter is offered a choice between Gryffindor and Slytherin. Influenced by his less-than-ideal meeting with Draco Malfoy and Rubeus’ Hagrid’s words, Harry rejects the House of cunning and ambition. This may have proven to be a bad thing, as Gryffindor House encourages Harry’s self-sacrificing tendencies and recklessness. Harry does find refuge in the relaxed dorms of Gryffindor House, but it’s not unusual for his housemates to turn on him.
He is deprived of valuable lessons that could have come in handy in his fight against Voldemort. To top it off, if Harry had gone to Slytherin and befriended the students there, they may have been less inclined to blindly join the Dark Lord. Sirius Black may have also survived and Snape would have been less inclined to see Harry as an extension of James Potter. Besides, Slytherin isn’t an inherently evil house. It’s one where students can fully uncover their potential.
9 Peter Pettigrew Doesn’t Belong In Gryffindor
One of the least likable characters in Harry Potter, Peter Pettigrew betrays his friend James to Voldemort, thereby causing the deaths of Harry’s parents. Fearing Sirius Black’s revenge, Peter takes refuge in his rat animagus form. It’s perhaps appropriate, as the rat shape suits him far more than his sorting.
Considering his weak and cowardly personality, it’s unclear why the Sorting Hat even thought Peter was a good match for Gryffindor. Fans can only take into account the possibility that the Hat simply followed Peter’s own desires, perhaps because he was already attached to his new friends. Clearly, it wasn’t a good idea. Peter may have been better-suited to Slytherin since he was cunning enough to elude capture for years.
8 Percy Weasley’s Determination Should Have Placed Him In Slytherin
The Weasleys act as Harry’s surrogate family, with youngest son Ron being his best friend and sole daughter Ginny his eventual love interest. There’s one Weasley child who doesn’t quite fit in with the others. Percy is highly ambitious, so much so that his siblings Fred and George comment that he wants to be the Minister of Magic. Of course, being ambitious isn’t a bad thing, but in a primarily Gryffindor family, it alienates Percy from the rest.
Molly is the only one who displays at least some support. In the end, Percy goes on to work for the Ministry for a good part of the series and is supportive of their policies, even if they are discriminatory. He distances himself from his family, being particularly dismissive of his father. Percy does stand with the rest of the Weasleys in the Battle of Hogwarts, but his main character trait remains his ambition – which would have made him a perfect fit for Slytherin.
7 Albus Dumbledore’s Plans For Muggle Domination Are Very Slytherin
Another Gryffindor who doesn’t quite belong in the House of the Lion, Albus Dumbledore appears to be an eccentric and kind old man. In reality, he is highly intelligent, powerful, and manipulative. He engineers Harry’s whole life from a very early age, all for the sake of defeating Lord Voldemort. He even leaves Harry to the Dursleys, despite being fully aware that they will abuse him.
As a young man, Albus starts a romantic relationship with Gellert Grindelwald and the two even make plans of muggle domination. Albus’s plans only fall apart because of his remorse for his sister Ariana’s death. Still, his core personality is that of a cunning and ambitious Slytherin – something even Harry makes a note of in his adult life.
6 Regulus Black’s Hidden Courage Rivaled Harry Potter’s
Some Gryffindors might have found a better place in Slytherin, but the reverse is also valid. Regulus Black shines among the rest, despite not actually being present in the movies. While he is originally a dedicated Slytherin, eager to serve Voldemort and pureblood ideals, he soon realizes the Dark Lord isn’t what he seems.
After he finds out about Voldemort’s Horcruxes, Regulus sacrifices himself to secure the Slytherin locket, instructing Kreacher to try to destroy it. He demonstrates a courage that rivals Harry Potter’s, something that could have easily earned him a place in Gryffindor.
5 Crabbe And Goyle Don’t Display Much Cunning Or Ambition
Peter Pettigrew isn’t the only case of a baffling sorting. Draco Malfoy’s minions, Vincent Crabbe and Gregory Goyle don’t display any of the features Slytherin House treasures. Unintelligent and devoid of subtlety, they have very little to add as villains.
Like in Peter’s case, the Sorting Hat may have chosen to place them in Slytherin due to a preexisting attachment to Draco, pureblood ideals, or perhaps their desire for power. If that is the case, it’s no wonder the House of the Snake is written off as evil.
4 Rubeus Hagrid’s Loyal And Warm Personality Could Have Landed Him In Hufflepuff
While Slytherin and Gryffindor get plenty of attention in the series, the other two Houses are a little neglected. It’s a shame because familiar characters could have easily belonged to either Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw. Rubeus Hagrid is the perfect example.
The giant might have displayed his courage on more than one occasion, but his best qualities are his gentleness and the affection he shows towards the magical beasts in his care. Hagrid is also incredibly loyal to Albus Dumbledore. In fact, he has many things in common with Newt Scamander, who was a Hufflepuff in his Hogwarts years.
3 Hermione Granger’s Intelligence Would Have Shined In Ravenclaw
The smartest member of the Golden Trio, Hermione is often the reason why Harry survives. She provides him with answers, solutions, and unfaltering support. While her stand against Voldemort does make her a worthy Gryffindor, she might have found a better place in Ravenclaw. Hermione’s intelligence would have been better appreciated among like-minded individuals who value knowledge more than adventure.
2 Severus Snape Would Have Been Better Off Ravenclaw
A Slytherin and a Death Eater, Severus Snape is the one to reveal the prophecy to Voldemort – an act that dooms James and Lily Potter. Snape is also Lily’s childhood friend and the target of the Marauders’ bullying. As an adult, he himself lashes out at the children he’s supposed to teach, but does his best to protect Harry at the same time. He ultimately sacrifices himself to defeat Voldemort.
Severus’ cunning is indisputable and in this sense, he fully belongs in Slytherin, but his love for potions is just as genuine. He could have easily found a home in Ravenclaw, where his merits would have been acknowledged. Severus Snape could have pursued his passion without falling in with the Death Eaters and possibly never falling out with Lily.
1 Barty Crouch Jr. Could Have Been Either Ravenclaw Or Slytherin
One of Lord Voldemort’s most loyal Death Eaters, Barty Crouch Jr. is a bit of a mystery in terms of Hogwarts House. He demonstrates his cunning by sneakily entering Harry in the Triwizard Tournament and pretending to be Mad-Eye Moody, but he’s also highly intelligent given his twelve OWLs.
All things considered, he could have belonged to either Ravenclaw or Slytherin, but his potential for loyalty made him well-suited to Hufflepuff. If he’d been a badger, Barty Crouch Jr. could have had a happier ending, as one of his housemates would have saved him before he’d fallen in with the Death Eaters.
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