Vampire Knight is an iconic Dark Fantasy/Romance manga and anime that follows Yuuki Cross, Zero Kiryu, and Kaname Kuran as they deal with a love triangle, work on their interpersonal relationships, and uncover the truth about each other. From a Pureblood Vampire lineage to a family history of vampire hunters, each of these characters is affected by vampirism in different ways.
As a result, the story becomes a Dark Fantasy full of twists and turns that create a dynamic tale. For those who love Vampire Knight and are looking for what to watch next, there are many Dark Fantasy anime that will scratch that itch.
10 Castlevania Is A Dark Tale Full Of Vampires & Has An Interesting Relationship With Romance
Castlevania begins with the tragic relationship between Dracula and his wife, who is killed by the church. The rest of the show features various relationships, often with slightly toxic elements, and though the show is not primarily focused on romance, it is still featured throughout.
The main difference between Castlevania and shows like Vampire Knight is the violence, as the horror elements are more at the forefront, primarily in the form of gore, body horror, and monsters. However, Castlevania is full of great characters and has a beautiful art style while also retaining its dark aesthetic.
9 Code Geass Is A Dark Fantasy With A Similar Art Style & Is From A Similar Time
Code Geass and Vampire Knight anime were both released within a couple of years of one another, and they feature art that favors a thin, elongated figure. Though Code Geass is more along the lines of sci-fi and does not privilege a romantic plot, the elements of Dark Fantasy are there.
Lelouch has supernatural powers that, like a vampire, can mind control individuals to a degree. Furthermore, games of strategy played between the protagonist and his enemies are sure to be delightful for Vampire Knight fans.
8 Blood+ Is Another Vampire Anime With A Little More Action
Taking place in Okinawa, the series follows Saya Otonashi, a girl whose blood can kill vampire-like creatures, called Chiropteran, that prove too formidable for most. It turns out that Saya is the only one with the power to face them.
Like Yuuki Cross, Saya realizes that her identity harbors a secret that inevitably links her with the Chiropteran. Also like Yuuki, she has a lot of trouble recollecting her past. The main difference between the two is that Blood+ privileges action over the romance plots.
7 Elfen Lied Puts An Emphasis On The Dark Part of Dark Fantasy
Elfen Lied has received a lot of criticism over the years for its gratuitous violence and its emphasis on shock value over quality. The story follows Lucy, a mutant being called a Diclonius, who like Yuuki Cross, has lost her memory, though Lucy’s memory is lost due to a violent head injury.
The show has been criticized for portraying inappropriate situations, and while Vampire Knight has also raised some eyebrows for its more problematic moments, Elfen Lied goes too far at times, so fans are warned.
6 Black Butler Is A Famous Anime With A Gothic Aesthetic
Ciel Phantomhive is a child who sells his soul to a demon, Sebastian, who in turn offers him power and masquerades as his butler. Ciel’s primary goal is to use this power to hunt down those that destroyed his family.
The story takes place in Victorian London, with a setting that is somewhat familiar with the Dark Fantasy aesthetic that comes with the gothic backdrop. The story has moments of comedy via its eccentric characters and has a delightful mystery plot that has set it to fame.
5 Devil’s Line Is A Modern Vampire Romance Story
Anzi works for law enforcement and hunts other vampiric creatures. One day, he comes across the series protagonist, Tsukasa Taira. Their paths continue to cross, and eventually, they fall for each other. Unfortunately, Anzai’s vampiric nature makes it extremely difficult for them to be together, and his past harbors dangerous secrets.
Fans of Vampire Knight will love Devil’s Line for its emphasis on vampires and romance. While it still has action and mystery, the story does not trade its romance for action.
4 The Ancient Magus’ Bride Is A Fantasy Romance With Slight Horror
The Ancient Magus’ Bride follows Chise, who is bought by a strange mage with an animal skull for a head named Elias Ainsworth. Though he appears scary, Elias is caring and helps Chise learn the value and wonder of life.
Some moments dip into the realm of dark fantasy, and there are references to dark elements of folklore, but Vampire Knight fans will love its beautiful story of acceptance and its hopeful tone against a backdrop that is sometimes dark. The romance aspects of the story are subtle, and the relationship between Elias and Chise is debated, but the plot is delightful.
3 CLAMP’s XxxHolic Features A Melancholy Plot With A Hopeful Outlook
XxxHolic, an anime based on a manga of the same name, is a CLAMP foray into Dark Fantasy. When Kimihirio Watanuki meets Yuuko Ichihara, a witch with the power to achieve great feats for proper compensation, he is indebted into her service. Watanuki’s wish is to stop seeing ghosts and monsters that only he can see.
During his time with Yuuko, he learns a lot about the supernatural realm and forges great bonds with his friends Doumeki and Himawari, both of whom play integral roles in Watanuki’s destiny. While the art style of this show strays from the typical anime style, it is a beautifully wrought story that fans are sure to love.
2 Diabolik Lovers Is Great For Fans Of Vampire Love Stories
For the many Vampire Knight fans who fantasize about a vampire romance, Diabolik Lovers is sure to delight. The show, based on an otome game, features a handful of vampire-love interests for the main character to choose from.
The series protagonist, Yui Komori, arrives at a mysterious mansion only to find out she is supposed to be the bride of these vampire suitors. Fans of the romance aspects of shows like Vampire Knight will certainly find Diabolik Lovers to their liking as they watch Yui fall in love and try to uncover the mystery behind her connection to the house and its tenants.
1 Dance With Devils Is A Non-Traditional Anime About Vampire Romance
For fans of vampire romance and musicals, Dance with Devils is a must-watch. The anime follows the conflict between devils and vampires who race to search for a magical grimoire that only the protagonist, Rituska Tachibana, can help find.
What makes this anime so different is its inclusion of musical numbers, something that most anime don’t incorporate. It shares a lot in common with Diabolik Lovers for its harem-genre love story. For viewers who like a Dark Fantasy aesthetic that chooses romance over elements of overt horror, this is the anime to watch.
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